hillary_step says: I am convinced that you do not truly understand what socialism is, and view it as 'all that lot who do not follow capitalist ideals'. Best regards - HS
Well, maybe we both need to define what we mean by Socialism. Wouldn't that help?
A socialist is invested, not in his own welfare per se, but is vested in "society as a whole"or the collective, with distribution controlled by the state (government) and with production.
The U.S.S.R. was communistic socialism. The Nazis (National Socialist) in Germany were fascist socialists. The stated goals (for propaganda purposes) were achieving general prosperity, abolishing poverty, progress, human brotherhood (limited to certain humans!) and, ironically: peace. Socialst government makes PLANS and avoids natural market forces. In effect, power is vested summarily in the state.
Additionally, because of certain political developments in Russia and Germany it was easy to point to a power elite and accuse that group of denying the downtrodden their natural "rights" as a pretext for hijacking the state and using it as a tool for the elite agenda.
Ideally, Socialism is an absolute system without a fixed head. Authority is "shared" according to natural ability. Private property is abolished. Except by the state. The state owns everybody and everything. The citizen of a social state is the private property of everybody who has equal demand on his life and service.
The dictionary definition:
An economic and political system in which private property is abolished and the means of production (i.e., capital and land) are collectively owned and operated by the community as a whole in order to advance the interests of all. In Marxist ideology, socialism is considered an intermediate stage in the inevitable transformation of capitalism into communism. A socialist society is envisioned as being characterized by the dictatorship of the proletariat; the existence of a high degree of cooperation and equality; and the absence of discrimination, poverty, exploitation, and war. With the non-existence of private ownership, the private profit motive is eliminated from economic life. Consequently, market forces do not play a role in organizing the process of production. Instead, large-scale government planning is employed to ensure the harmonious operation of the process of production.