Congratulations on your 1000th post! Great topic.
I believe that being rational is using our mind to explore reality for its benefical possibilities to create for ourselves the best life possible.
Naturally this leads to a corollary: Avoid unreality!
Wishful thinking, mind over matter, mysticism, group-think all lead to a fantasy instead of reality.
So, for me, rationalism is the only medicine that can cure-all.
Let's just think about it for a moment!
If you are NOT rational what happens?
1.You unfocus your mind.
2.You suspend conscious thought and lapse into a kind of trance
3.You embrace a blindness; a refusal to see. It is not ignorance, but, refusal to know.
4.You live by the opinions of others. You serve the cause of a group. You sacrifice yourself for the "greater good".
5.You spurn reality as a standard and embrace a mythos in its place.
What does rationality bring?
1.Recognition that existence really exists and operates by cause and effect
2.Nothing can alter what is real and nothing takes precedence over perceiving reality.
3.The human mind is one's only judge of values and the only guide of action; reason is absolute and permits no compromise.
4.A concession to anything irrational invalidates our consciousness and turns us to faking reality.
5.Faking reality is not a short-cut to knowledge, but, a substitute that demands FAITH (the most powerful destroyer of the rational mind).
6.Recognition that embracing anything mystical is an invitiation to replace reality with wishful thinking and a lapse into the annhilation of our identiy.
RELIGION is group-think. RELIGION is a collective. A collective demands that we lose what is most precious to us, our individuality. A collective demands we debase our self-worth by sacrficing our mind and actions to the group.
Is there any Christian religion that doesn't feed us the idea that we are worthless? That we are weak, sinful, imperfect and deserving of death? That we can only gain favor UNDESERVEDLY?
Religion is a destroyer of self, of that which is unique in man: his identity. Your identity as YOU must be replaced with a phoney clone in the image and likeness of the group leader. Why? You are not worthy! You must die! You must start all over and be born again by giving up your own self, your own unique identity and plunge into group identity and group slavery FOR THE COMMON GOOD.
Is there anything that can free a person thus enslaved?
Reclaim your own identity by reclaiming your rational mind.
Remember: your mind is your only protection against enslavement to a group.
A rational mind is not a natural thing. It is a skill one must acquire through toil and dedication to learning, testing, proving and rejecting what is false. REALITY is the only standard.
The number one reason why Jehovah's Witnesses fail the test of reality is because they substitute THE UNDERSTANDING of the mystical elite for their own rational mind. They are not allowed to think for themselves!!
Death of identity is death indeed!