No . Praise makes me embarrassed and to be criticized i can take as long if it is done nicely and without malice.
Do You Need Praise From Others To Feel Validated?
by minimus 31 Replies latest jw friends
Answering the question in the title erm...yes I do somewhat
And, depends on the source. Most times, no. -
This is an interesting question.
I find it very difficult to accept praise for doing something I know I should be doing anyway. It's a conscience thing I suppose.
I appreciate it when others support my viewpoint and accept it when they don't.
The praise is not the turn on for me, it's seeing positive results from my actions that gives me all the validation I need.
I bet most people on the planet earth need to be validated. We can never be sure of everything you know.
Yes, I do and when I get it I feel embarassed. :-(
Not at all. There have been times in life where I have run a decision by close friends of mine, whose judgment I trusted, but I get my "strokes" internally. The minute one starts depending on other people for reinforcement of what one's gut instinct tells them, game over!
Once you start depending on external influences & opinions, you diminish yourself as a person. I highly doubt anyone is floating around the internet or this board to obtain "validation", & if they are, something must be terribly lacking in their home life or their internal psyche in general, and they will find themselves disappointed.
Criticism? If it is from a source that I respect, I will consider it. As for personal attacks, see Minimus thread a few days ago, those I don't pay attention to or trouble myself with.
Damn Gypsy..were you me in a former life before I grew a penis?
mac, likes what the lady says class
Can you take criticism without taking it personal?
I take criticism quit well as long as the person handing it out does it without insults.
Do You Need Praise From Others To Feel Validated?
...everything is vanity...perhaps especially validation. No, I do not need praise as I do not trust it, and criticism is only worth considering if it is given by those who knows ones circumstances quite well.
How about yourself?