Toppled Tower

by Skimmer 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Cygnus

    Hiya Bob,

    A couple of questions regarding the great tribulation.

    The Watchtower has taught that the great tribulation brought about on Jerusalem in the first century typified the destruction of today's modern day unfaithful Jerusalem, Christendom. Since the first great tribulation did not last several years, I cannot see how it can be reasonably speculated that the antitype would last several years.

    The 1/15/70 Watchtower provides some insight into this matter:

    "Jesus' description of it makes it plain that, like the global flood of Noah's day, the tribulation threatens all human life in the flesh. (Matt. 24:21, 22, 36-39) If allowed to continue too long, it would exterminate all 'flesh.' Hence the purpose of God is to shorten the number of 'those days' of this unparalleled 'great tribulation.'-Mark 13:19, 20."

    That indicates to me that it is the opinion of the Watchtower writer (undoubtedly Brother Franz) that the tribulation would not last very long, certainly not for years. What do you think about this piece of reasoning on God's purpose?

    Also, consider please, further comments from this Watchtower writer in regards to the length of the tribulation:

    "Paul made a significant remark in his letter to the Romans, written about the year 56 C.E. He quoted from Isaiah 10:22, 23 and said: 'It is the remnant that will be saved. For Jehovah will make an accounting on the earth, consummating it and cutting it short [or, executing it speedily; Greek, syntémno].' (Rom. 9:27, 28; 1950 edition, margin) Back in 66 C.E. and shortly thereafter the Jewish Christians fled out of Judea and Jerusalem, and thus there was an abrupt cutting short of the work of making Jewish converts in Judea and Jerusalem to be a part of the Jewish remnant. Accordingly, in 70 C.E., God's sentence of destruction upon Jerusalem and her temple was executed, not in a long-drawn-out war through a long-lasting siege, but through a surprisingly short siege due to collapse of the defense by the cooped-up rebellious Jews. Thus Jerusalem's 'great tribulation was not lengthened, but was 'cut short'. . . As with the Jerusalem of the apostles' days, Jehovah can terminate his accounting with Christendom and the rest of this system of things in a speedy way, in no prolonged order, in a reduced period of time. While He as the accurate Timekeeper has a definite day and hour for beginning the 'great tribulation,' he can lop off anything tending to lengthen it. It is his purpose to do so.-Matt. 24:21, 22, 36. . . No matter how destructive the 'great tribulation' will be, no matter how intense the destructiveness of it may become because the 'great tribulation' is concentrated within a cut-short time period, this unnumbered 'great crowd' will be saved alive."

    A concentrated, cut-short time period, which is Jehovah's purpose, does not sound like several years, Bob. Appreciate your comments.

    BTW, I won't bore you with the Watchtower's old understanding of the tribulation that started in 1914, stopped in 1918, and starts up again in the future. :-)

  • You Know
    You Know

    When Jesus said that the tribulation would be cut short on account of the chosen ones, he apparently had in mind the occasion in November of 66 when the Romans advanced on the city and then mysteriously withdrew. That began the tribulation period which was cut short by the withdrawl. When the Christians fled they no doubt encountered many hardships during that interim. Plus, apparently, civil stife erupted in Jerusalem after the Romans retreated. So when they returned in 70 it was really just the consumation of the tribulation that had begun in 66. / You Know

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