Hi pR,
My son upon leaving the WTS joined the Army. We discussed it and he wasn't sure if he wanted to jump right into college,or what. Like you had many questions and issues yet to be resolved.
He spent 4 yrs as a paratrooper. Today he says it's the best decision he made . He not only got money for college,he said it provided him with some 'grounding' while thinking about his future.
He said it gave him a sense of esteem,accomplishment,and comaraderie he never would have had if remaining 'in the trooth' as a pioneer.
One issue he didnt struggle with as you seem to be doing,is putting the onus of his decision on "Satan" . He knew this was nonsense and simply the WTS boogeyman used to control an individual and their decisions. As far as his and my belief there is no satan. Simply the challenge of taking responsibility for our own lives and the decisions we make about it.
My suggestion is go for it!! It's one of life's greatest learning experiences. I have a friend that recently retired from the AF. He made it his career. He was Crew Chief on the warthog. He loved his job,the places it took him all over the world and mostly the people he met and friends he made along the way.
Do it! Once out of the oppressive WTS enviornment ,you'll see yourself and the world with all new and more realistic eyes. Wishing you the best.Tina
PS Patrick,
Let us know what you've decided. Whatever decision you make,we are here to support you! hugs,Tina