How did you get through mind numbing meetings?
by minimus 46 Replies latest jw friends
As an elder, I used to find a legitimate reason to wander. -
Nowadays I bring a calculator (passes for an I Pad), and my large notebook, and work on my favored project. It also allows me to lip-read key points to drown out the deliberate preachy syntax of the Ueber-teacher-elderettes in their frequent comments. -
I like to browse this forum and screw around online to pass the time. Sometimes I'll read ahead in whatever they're "studying" and see if I can find some comment to give that might help someone in the audience to think about things a little more.
As i wait in the parking lot of the KH, i visit this site to relax.
Inside the hall, i daydream of the end of the meeting .
Wasanelder Once
When I was a drone I was entranced by the meetings and as an MS/ELDER I was absorbed in making them more interesting. I guess I was enjoying it because I was "the show". Once the BS meter kicked in I dreaded meetings and it wasn't long before I stopped going. I couldn't get through them. Enough was enough. I implemented a Flash Fade. Did I just coin a new label? I did a FF not a DOF.
FF = Flash Fade - as opposed to a -
DOF = Drawn Out Fade
Separation of Powers
Seated meditation. Concentrate on my breathing. It is a real opportunity to practice my zen state in the face of mind altering drivel. -
Medication -
As a designer, I'm Actually considering creating ePub/mobi files that have pictures from that week's meetings or that look like the JW Library app, but are actually Sci Fi short stories. You'll even be able to highlight them to make it look like you studied.
would others be interested in that? If I do it, I'll make them publicly available if there's an interest in this.
My wife and I used to look through the Bible and point out any words that could be taken sexually. Here are some examples I quickly pulled out of a few random scriptures online:
Breast, eat, for the word harass I'd block "har" to show "ass", came, rim, flesh, bowing down, pillar, fertile, stiffened, hard, slave, lay, wood, etc etc
It was a challenge to see how obscure we could be to find more words. It's amazing how many words you could quickly pick out when you're bored and have a devious mind