How did you get through mind numbing meetings?

by minimus 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • stuckinarut2

    All of the above! Plus, 

    When I was actively in...before I woke up, I would be the busy little bee attending to every task before and after the meeting...talking to and "encouraging"others... Then during the meeting, I kept active focussing on all "the spiritual food" being dished up.

    Once I woke up, I kept occupied by being on sound...that kept me sane!

    In fact, I owe a great deal to the sound department! If it wasn't for sitting there at the back, I couldn't have kept so updated here on the forum and learning TTATT!

    So "thankyou" to the "privilege" of being the sound overseer!

  • berrygerry

    Two halls were within a block from a playground - so when kids were little, and "acting up," we went for a nice 1-hour break.

    When they were older, I would sometimes nap in the car, or else 20-minute bathroom breaks playing games on the phone.

  • rebel8

    Could you tell us a few?

    Sure. I think I've had a few threads about it a few yrs back, which you may be able to find when our posting history returns.

    So anyway, one time I put a haunted house tape playing in the kh basement. That might have been a service meeting or hall cleaning, can't remember. I thought it was going to be epic hilarious, but they were just mad and still scared even after I showed them the tape. Inconsolable.

    Another time I spent probably half an hour gently placing lint balls from my sweater on top of some sista's head at the assembly. She was sitting in the row ahead of me in stadium seating, so I could reach her head easily. She never felt a thing and I just silently cracked up the entire time. (I'm doing the same thing right now. Ah, the memories.) Tears streaming down, the whole thing. I started stacking the lint balls on top of each other to see how bold I could get before she felt it. Finally someone else nearby told her and I got in trouble. lol.

    I kept a fork in my purse and (gently) poked one sista with it every time she gave me a hard time. Poked her right in the fat rolls, and then denied it. She was always bossing me around at the meetings & saying nasty things. Got away with it for months before my mom searched my purse.

    I am not saying these are appropriate, nice or mature things to do. I was a child/teenager in a mind control cult that was trying to murder me, so heck yeah I used whatever coping skill I could muster.

    Did a lot of mocking people's singing and jw lingo.

    Once I told an elder I had an unbaptized friend who was pregnant outside of wedlock and could he perform a wedding. Strung him along for a while, then told him it was my dog.

    Bros with clip-on ties learned to guard it when I was around. I would pull them off.

    I think I put some cartoons or something like that on the bulletin board.

    Shoved gum wrappers into the donation box.

    In my later teens, when I was involuntarily pioneering, I was rarely serious.

    Kept popping my trunk back open after a bro tried to shut it, and I told him he just needed to do it harder. He couldn't figure out why he was unable to shut it. I asked him if he ate his Wheaties.

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot

      Naughty girl! How old were you when you first started playing your mischievous pranks?

  • NewYork44M

    Current JWs have it so easy. They have their iPads with them and can check email, surf the internet, and play candy crush while appearing to be doing serious research.

    I can't wait for the special needs talk about that. 

  • violias

    The credit goes to a poster named Mulan but I could not find the original so here is a link to a version of it.  Mulan's  had testomonals and all that . It was hilarious.. It is called BullSh*t Bingo .Fun for the entire family.


  • zeb

    I would doodle. Or go to the toilet. (By the way I noticed the people who had multi-coloured underlining in their wt. rarely ever spoke up..?)

  • pixel
    I just think about current job projects or any other interesting thing. Meetings are boooooring!
  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower


    Nowadays I bring a calculator (passes for an I Pad), and my large notebook, and work on my favored project. It also allows me to lip-read key points to drown out the deliberate preachy syntax of the Ueber-teacher-elderettes in their frequent comments.  

    That is so funny, I hope all the 'friends' catch on! They have such a low quality representation preaching this GB inspired shit from the platform and with this higher education ban it really dumb's down a very simple message of guilt inspired obedience even further to that of mind numbing blather from intellectual idiots. A real snooze fest or better yet do some serious chores while the beat plays on in the backround of conscious awareness and hope none of this bullshit gets in the works of good brain functions/thought memes.

  • nevaagain

    When I was a kid I would always use the time to daydream. There was a time where I was looking forward to go to a meeting because I can finally think about stuff without having to do something else in that time (like homework or study). When I was little of course I hated going to the meeting and I got so often beaten in the back room because I was misbehaving.

    I was not even allowed to have a pen and paper like some other kids, because I should concentrate on the talks. So it was either developing good daydream skills or got beaten. Thats another point, I still argue to this day with my father (happens to be an elder) that they should have special classes during the meeting (like the do in the 'worldly' churches) for little ones.

    As I got older I had to find new thinks, so I started counting stuff. I counted how many lamps our hall had, I counted chairs (even though I knew how many there were) I counted how many bros/sis where wearing something blue/red/green and so on. I was never allowed to sit next to a friend only next to my parents so you have develop stuff which keeps you sane.

    When I was old enough to do microphone service or handle the sound and got appointed to do it, i LOVED it. Because finally I could keep busy without having to look left/right even someone else is watching me.

    Still to this day I often volunteer for the microphone service so during paragraph reading I can be in standing in the back and play with my tablet or answering emails without someone else looking on my screen. I once finished a personal project on my tablet during a meeting that way.

    I often see elders wandering around during a meeting, I can imagine that they are bored as well. Then there is this elder, he never sits with his wife just wandering around the hall pretending to do stuff or sometimes he will walk to his other elder buddies and always gives them a note DURING the meeting, something very important whe he couldnt do BEFORE the meeting starts. He doe that until his studies arrive (sometimes they are 30 or 40 minutes late) and then he will sit with them in the back. Not sure why he does that, probably to count the time while at the same time loaths to sit next to his wife haha.

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