Draw Close Jeh, Since the elder is out I have to conduct tonight, any sugg?

by DaCheech 46 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • FlyingHighNow

    I don't have that publication. Just ask one subtle question that makes them do some thinking when they leave the book study. Good luck in the lion's den.

  • fleaman uk
    fleaman uk

    How is it reprehensible to propose different thoughts and ideas at a public question and answer study of the bible? Isn't that what such a study is all about or do you prefer that everyone answer all of the questions with only the answers given by the same book?

    What you are proposing is a sham that is not a study at all but indoctrination with propaganda that does not tolerate question

    Blah,blah blah..heard it all before.All i am saying is ..it is clear this Man is just trying to confuse People.Why bother?Just leave and be done with it.Im all for an Honest Study,God knows i never went to one when i was in the Religion.All dacheech is doing is having a laugh at other peoples expense.As i said earlier,there are some genuinely mis-guided but sincere people there and they are looking up to Him.

  • Bryan

    It looks to me that dacheech is only attempting to place a few droplets of TRUTH into the study. Aren't the witnesses suppose to be questioning what they are being taught? He is showing them a little more than what is in the paragraph (which is not a lie!!!).


  • itsallgoodnow
    What you are proposing is a sham that is not a study at all but indoctrination with propaganda that does not tolerate question.

    All right Elsewhere!

    I wish DaCheech was my bookstudy conductor, that would be great! Of course, I never go, so I guess it wouldn't matter. I don't even have the book right they are in now. Good for you daCheech. If you have to be there, you may as well make it worth your time.

  • DaCheech


    I asked the question because.... Obviously if I do put doctrinal contradictions I would see myself in front of the elders the next week.

    On the most part I was going to do a puppet/parrot type study. I just wanted a couple of little mind benders!

    I've conducted before, and I've seen an elder in which was reported due to misinterpreting the (10%,20%,40%, 100% thingy)!

  • fleaman uk
    fleaman uk

    (10%,20%,40%, 100% thingy)!

    Eh?Sorry,what does that mean?


    Oh and I suppose it's not reprehensible to break up families with shunning techniques, cover up child abuse, misquote scholars to make a bogus points...and the list goes on. Anything that can be done to show people the true "truth" about this fascist, lying organization is GREAT! Screw them and their supporters. Actually, all DaCheech might do is cause them to think for themselves, independent of the borg's pressure. How terrible is that?

    I've said many times, I'd walk away and never think about them again...but as long as they have my daughter under their control, they can go to hell. The gloves are off!


  • DaCheech

    I can't remember the words but it's the thing that Jesus said reguarding what diffrent results one can bring

  • avishai

    Oh and I suppose it's not reprehensible to break up families with shunning techniques, cover up child abuse, misquote scholars to make a bogus points...and the list goes on. Anything that can be done to show people the true "truth" about this fascist, lying organization is GREAT! Screw them and their supporters. Actually, all DaCheech might do is cause them to think for themselves, independent of the borg's pressure. How terrible is that?
    What bonezz said. Not to mention how many people they kill a year with their screwed up blood poilicy. I read a stat that said that 3 dubs a day die worldwide due to lack of medical care. That would add up to about equal to Jonestown every year!!!

  • fleaman uk
    fleaman uk

    I read a stat that said that 3 dubs a day die worldwide due to lack of medical care.

    Well,if a stat said it ,it must be true...

    Bloody hell,give me strength.All i said was i didnt like the idea of someones behaviour at a Group study.get over it why dont you.

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