I think you are doing ppl a favor. Anytime someone is willing to risk something for the good of others, gets a in my book. I wish someone had helped me a long time ago. I remember one time, I virturtually ruined a book study in the revelation book bec I was trying to sort out some very sketchy connections that were being made in the book. I had a whole diagram of "Daniels time" ready to show the conductor and ask questions. When the question came up in the book, I raised my hand and asked for help to understand this clearly. EVERYONE was stuck for an answer. NO one could answer me about why things did not add up correctly. The conductor was red with embarrassment, ppl stammered and stuttered, it was like force feeding a baby solid food. I was freaked out at their lack of understanding bec I was not doing this to take the piss, I was being honest in my quest for understanding. WELL, ended up the conductor said he would get back to me after he did some more research....still waiting.....
I never answered right from the book, I always always always expanded and gave my own thoughts. Ppl didn't mind and respected me for that. I was always listened to keenly because I always went overboard on the research side and could back up my comments. I never bought into that whole 'comment is in the paragraph' thing. I had doubts about EVERYTHING since I was a teenager because of my natural curiosity. I WISH someone had cared enough to try to stop me from wasting life on this religion. From ppl like me who still exist because they are stuck in there......keep planting seeds of truth from the inside, you never know who you touch.