: How could Noah preach to the whole "world" when he was building the arc?
He didn't. If you re-read the flood account in Genesis, it is clear that God had made up his mind that all but Noah and his family were worthy of death. There is not a shred of evidence in the Genesis account that Noah did ANYTHING to convice anyone they needed to get into the Ark to be saved.
The WTS deceptively tries to tie their organization as a greater fulfillment of the Ark and one must get into it to be saved. They used Hebrews 11 and 12 to infer that Noah "witnessed" to outsiders. But if you read Hebrews 11 it clearly is about FAITH and not preaching. The writer is trying to shows us that if we witness the FAITH of those old-time Israelites, we will know what kind of faith we need to have.
This is yet another example of the WTS taking stuff out of context and making up shit to support their house-of-cards.
What was noah's`profession before flood?
by badboy 17 Replies latest watchtower bible
Thanks Farkel!
Been in this damn religion for 35 years, and I am starting to catch up on these!
When you read the bible ala WT you will get verse "a" from Genesis to match verse "b" and "c" from "xxx" book. They thrive on
skip/hop and spin around the rosey bible reading. When you read the books and their entire content you will get an "eye opener"
: How could Noah preach to the whole "world" when he was building the arc?
He didn't. If you re-read the flood account in Genesis, it is clear that God had made up his mind that all but Noah and his family were worthy of death. There is not a shred of evidence in the Genesis account that Noah did ANYTHING to convice anyone they needed to get into the Ark to be savedDon't you be listening to that Heathen bastard Farkle! Noah preached his little arse off clear around the entire planet in a years time. He talked to every soul alive and even made return visits on those who doubted he was building a big boat because it was going to rain.
Noah ALWAYS took the time to explain the 'rain thing' they hadn't heard about because he was a good guy. I heard there was a family about 1250 miles from where the boat was being built by the 4 girls and 4 boys , then about half way of traveling ...the old man of the family stopped and turned around and said he thought Noah must be nuts. Oh well.....he ALMOST had a convert.
Hope this helps.
You should sell your story to the WT, and they will add it to the next edition
of that stink bomb video "noah...."
You should sell your story to the WT, and they will add it to the next edition
of that stink bomb video "noah...."
Good idea! If I do...I wanna say a little about Noah's drinking adventure and ask the society why the hell he still had his preaching privledges after a night like he had!!!!! He got to build/direct the building of the boat, pioneer, and play zoo-keeper, ...! What the....? Gumby
The whole bit in the NT about Noah's "preaching" is a pious bit of haggadah absent in the OT but found in apocryphal and Jewish tradition. Here is my discussion is this earlier:
2 Peter 2:5 calls Noah "a preacher of righteousness". Of course, the Genesis narrative mentions nothing of a preaching work by Noah. The natural interpretation was that Noah would have tried to pass on his divine warning to his contemporaries, perhaps trying to get them to repent and thus be saved. Josephus (Jewish Antiquities 1:73) thus says that "Noah, displeased with the deeds of his [contemporaries] and finding their intentions to be odious, sought to persuade them to adopt a better way of thinking and to change their ways". According to rabbinical literature: "The righteous Noah used to warn them and say to them, 'Repent, for if you do not, God will bring a flood upon you.' " (b. Sanhedrin 108a).
PP is right that Noah wasn't originally the hero of a Flood. His name, his profession (a vine cultivator), and his importance in the primeval narrative all relates to his role as bringing relief from the curse of Adam. Outside of the J narrative, he probably was a demigod discoverer of wine in Canaanite legend (cf. the demigods in Philo of Byblus and the late echo of this tradition in 1 Enoch regarding the divine teachers of civilization and Noah's divine-like nature). For evidence that the Flood story was a later addition to the J narrative, see my discussion on this subject:
Noah ...
...nipper of the fruit of the vine.
Came before Amos ...
.... nipper of figs.
Since in JW land old testament names had a great meaning, are
not these names kinda weak? Considering Noah saved the world?