Pastor Russell and 1914

by Kenneson 61 Replies latest jw friends

  • Kenneson

    1. Russell did not believe that 1914 marked the "beginning of the end" as do Jehovah's Witnesses. Rather, he pointed to 1799 for that (i.e., see Zion's Watch Tower for Nov. 7, 1893, page 24: In commenting on the discovery of the Rossetta stone he states: "[The point is that 1799 was the very year beginning the time of the End when many would run to and fro and knowledge be increased.' DAWN, Vol III, Chapter II--EDITOR]"

    2. He did not believe that Christ came invisibly in 1914 as Jehovah's Witnesses do. Rather, he believed that the invisible presence occurred in 1874. Zion's Watch Tower (July 15, 1906) credits this teaching to Second Adventist N.H. Barbour. "But there were no books or other publications setting forth the time prophecies as then understood, so I paid Mr. Barbour's expenses to come to see me in Philadelphia (where I had business engagements during the summer of 1876), to show me fully and Scripturally, if he could, that the prophecies indicated 1874 as the date at which the Lord's presence and 'the harvest' began. He came, and the evidence satisfied me." In 1879 when Russell began his own publication, he named it Zion's Watch Tower and Hearld of Christ's Presence," a presence he believed had already begun in 1874.

    So what exactly did Russell believe about 1914? And where did he get that date? Well, he said that the "Times of the Gentiles" ended in 1914. But, again, this is not unique to Russell. Barbour's paper "Herald of the Morning" on its July, 1878 cover indicates in the right hand corner that "the 'Times of the Gentiles' end in 1914." Remember that this is a full year before Russell began his own journal.

    In 1889 Russell wrote a book entitled "The Time Is At Hand." Note what he says in the chapter "Times of the Gentiles, at the end of page 76 & on to 77: "In this chapter we present the Bible evidence proving that the full end of the times of the Gentiles, i.e., the full end of their lease of dominion, will be reached in A.D. 1914; and that that date will be the farthest limit of the rule of imperfect men." Continuing on pages 98 and 99: "True, it is expecting great things to claim, as we do, that within the coming twenty-six years all present governments will be overthrown and dissolved; but we are living in a special and peculiar time, the 'Day of Jehovah,' in which matters culminate quickly..." "In view of this strong Bible evidence concerning the Times of the Gentiles, we consider it an established truth that the final end of the kingdoms of this world, and the full establishment of the Kingdom of God, will be accomplished at the end of A.D. 1914. Then the prayer of the Church, ever since her Lord took his departure--'Thy Kingdom come' will be answered; and under that wise and just administration, the whole earth will be filled with the glory of the Lord--with knowledge, and righteousness, and peace (Psa. 72:19; Isa. 6:3; Hab. 2:14); and the will of God shall be done 'on earth, as it is done in heaven.' And finally, on page 101: "Be not surprised, then, when in subsequent chapters we present proofs that the setting up of the Kingdom of God is already begun, that it is pointed out in prophecy as due to begin the exercise of power in A.D. 1878, and that the "battle of the great day of God Almighty" (Rev. 16:14), which will end in A.D. 1914 with the complete overthrow of earth's present rulership, is already commenced."

    In another book "Thy Kingdom Come" written in 1891, page 153 Russell states: "And, with the end of A.D. 1914, what God calls Babylon, and what men call Christendom, will have passed away, as already shown from prophecy."

    But with the approach of 1914 Russell begins to vacillate. In Z.W.T. of Nov. 15, 1913 he writes an article entitled "What Course Should We Take?" Gone is the positive proof of Bible evidence that he has heretofore offered. "This means that, whether within one year or within ten or twenty years, the things which we are expecting will be accomplished. The Church will be gathered, the messianic Reign of Righteousness will begin, preceded, as foretold by the great Time of Trouble." At the end of the article he concludes that the statements made about 1914 through the years were only his opinions and theories and are not infallible. And theories they indeed were! For the year, the 10 and the 20 years have all come and gone, and none of the things he expected have come about.

    However, in 1914 Russell seems to have regained some confidence. See ZWT July 1, 1914 under "Can It Be Delayed Until 1914?" "...Now in view of the recent labor troubles and threatened anarchy, our readers are writing to know if there may not be a mistake in the 1914 date. They say they do not see how present conditions can last that long. We see no reason for changing the figures--nor could we change them if we would. They are, we believe, God's dates, not ours. But bear in mind that the end of 1914 is not the date for the beginning, but for the end of the time of trouble. We see no reason for changing from our opinion expressed in the View presented in the Watch Tower of Jan. 15, '92. We advise that it be read again."

    Indeed read it at Dates backed up by God don't sound like opinion to me, do they?

    In the Sermon Book, page 676 appears "Pseudo Apostles of the Present Day." Under "Armageddon Near--God's Kingdom To Follow" Russell writes: "The present great war in Europe is the beginning of the Armageddon of the Scriptures. (Rev. 16:16-20). It will eventuate in the complete overthrow of all the systems of error which have so long oppressed the people of God and deluded the world. The glorious Kingdom of Messiah is about to be set up in the earth, for the deliverance of the world and the establishment of permanent righteousness." Here Russell contradicts what he had previously written in ZWT, Jan. 15, 1892: "...The date of the close of that 'battle' is definitely marked in Scripture as October, 1914. It is already in progess, its beginning dating from October, 1874...the final struggle will be comparatively short, terrible and decisive--resulting in general anarchy In many respects the convictions of the world's great generals coincide with the predictions of God's Word. Then 'Woe to the man or nation who starts the next war in Europe; for it will be a war of extermination' and 'if not brought to an end by the establishment of God's kingdom in the hands of his elect and then glorified Church, it would exterminate the race.--Matt. 24:22.' " Whereas he had taught that Armageddon had already commenced in 1874, now he is originating it with World War I.

    Can the use of terminology such as "established truth," "proving," "proofs," "definitely marked in Scripture," "it is already in progress," etc. be equated to opinion? Hardly. If one knows something to be so, it is no longer opinion, possibility or suggestion. Claiming not to be infallible compared to what is actually said are two different things!

  • link

    An excellent post. Well researched, balanced and objective. Also very readable.



  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    ty ken; whats amazing is when i bring any of this stuff up to a jw. they tell me it's all lies. even after i got them to say they have read the time is at hand etc. it's so easy to make a jw lie their ass off , and show how little they know. the best part is they are not even willing to go to the kh library and look it up. talk about living in darkness... john

  • RR
    Can the use of terminology such as "established truth," "proving," "proofs," "definitely marked in Scripture," "it is already in progress," etc. be equated to opinion? Hardly. If one knows something to be so, it is no longer opinion, possibility or suggestion. Claiming not to be infallible compared to what is actually said are two different things!

    The dates ARE scriptural ... what Russell believed to happen on those dates were his opinions based on his studies.

    This Volume sets forth, what its author has been preaching for over forty years, that the "Times of the Gentiles" chronologically ended in the fall of A.D. 1914. The expression, "Times of the Gentiles," in Bible usage signifies the years, or period of time, in which the Gentile nations of the world were to be permitted to have control, following the taking away of the typical kingdom from natural Israel, and filling the hiatus between that event and the establishment of God's Kingdom in the hands of Messiah-- "whose right it is." Ezekiel 21:27

    We could not, of course, know in 1889, whether the date 1914, so clearly marked in the Bible as the end of the Gentile lease of power or permission to rule the world, would mean that they would be fully out of power at that time, or whether, their lease expiring, their eviction would begin. The latter we perceive to be the Lord's program; and promptly in August, 1914, the Gentile kingdoms referred to in the prophecy began the present great struggle, which, according to the Bible, will culminate in the complete overthrow of all human government, opening the way for the full establishment of the Kingdom of God's dear Son.
    We are not able to see behind the veil; we are not able to know the things progressing under the direction of our glorious Lord and the members of His Church already glorified. Our thought is that somehow the Lord is taking a hand in the affairs of the world now as He did not do in times past. We do know that the great Time of Trouble, which has begun, very closely corresponds to the Divine declaration respecting the time and conditions of the establishment of Messiah's Kingdom. The Lord Himself informs us that, at the time He shall take to Himself His great

    foreword iv

    power and reign, the nations will be mad and the Divine wrath will come. A little later on the time will come for the judging of the dead, and the giving of the reward to God's servants, small and great, leading on finally to the destruction of the incorrigible, who would exercise a corrupt influence upon the earth. Revelation 21:8

    All over the world people knew of the expectations of Bible Students in respect to the year A.D. 1914; and when so stupendous a war as the present one broke loose, when the winds of strife began to blow with such fury and destruction, thousands remembered what they had heard and read respecting the end of the Gentile Times. Thousands today have come to fully appreciate the times in which we are living. The influence is very helpful and inspiring. A realization that we are in the Day of the Lord, and that very soon all of His saints will be gathered to Him by the resurrection change, has a stimulating and encouraging influence upon Bible students, separating them from the world and its fears and ambitions and fixing their eyes upon the Crown of Life, which the Lord has in reservation for them that love Him most.
  • Narkissos


    The dates ARE scriptural

    What is a "scriptural date"? Does any calculation made out of a patchwork of unrelated Scripture texts have to result in a "scriptural date"? In that case any single date in the calendar is potentially "scriptural"...

  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    rr; it's obvious what you posted was after the false prophecies of russell failed. this is all bull$hit, double talk, and clear blamphemy. it's the same pattern leaders of the wt have used even after russell. it's ability to discern when your being jerked. a false prophet is a false prophet , and no matter what ever ,ear tickling babbling bull$hit you try to present the your brain dead sheep. your still a false prophet. and even worst you are now lying to hide your white washed graves of BULL$HIT . to keep the $$$$$$$$$$$ rolling in . wheather it the bible student , the wt or some other group. remember you can polish BULL$HIT from now to dooms day, all the wax in the world will never make it shine in the light of day. john

  • RR

    There are many scriptural dates that are backed by history. When the scriptures tell us and or give us a sign or a forumla as to a certain event, then we know that the date is correct. Daniel tells us when the Messiah was to come, he doesn't give us an exact date, but he gives us the calculations.

    Now granted, one can manipulate the scriptures to arrive at a specific date, like the Witnesses do, a good example would be their Revelation book, and their Daniel and Jeremiah books, where prophecies have their fiulfillment in Watchtower that is absurd.


  • Kenneson


    You state that "The dates ARE scriptural...what Russell believed to happen on those dates were opinions based on his studies."

    Could you tell us what is scriptural about the date 1914? If what Russell expected to happen in 1914 did not come about, exactly what do Bible Students say actually did happen?

  • RR

    Unlike the interpretation of the Watchtower today, Pastor Russell believed (as do Bible Students today) that the ending of the Gentile Times had everything to do with the nation of Israel and nothing to do with theChurch itself.

    20 ?When you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then recognize that its desolation has come near. 21 Then those in Judea must flee to the mountains! Those inside the city must leave it, and those who are in the country must not enter it, 22 because these are days of vengeance to fulfill all the things that are written. 23 Woe to pregnant women and nursing mothers in those days, for there will be great distress in the land Or the earth and wrath against this people. 24 They will fall by the edge of the sword and be led captive into all the nations, and Jerusalem will be trampled by the Gentiles Or nations until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled. Luke 21:20-24 - Holman Bible

    Does this context really need to be interpreted any differently than it reads? This context seems self explanatory. It seems to reference Matthew 24 (first few verses) and what would happen to the nation of Israel. It would seem to suggest that the nation of Israel would be destroyed and ruled by Gentiles. "So when they had come together, they asked Him, ?Lord, at this time are You restoring the kingdom to Israel??" (Acts 1:6) Historically we know this happened so it is partially fufilled. The Gentiles would "trample" Jerusalem until the "Times of the Gentiles" are fulfilled.

    At that point one would expect the Gentiles to no longer rule the nation of Israel. This too we see as fulfilled. Israel is a nation again and they have their own homeland.


  • Kenneson

    And did this transpire in 1914? Or did Israel become a nation in 1948? I fail to see a connection between the two dates.

    On page 77 of The Times Is At Hand under "Times of the Gentiles" is what Russell expected to happen in 1914:

    "Fourthly, It will prove that from that time forward Jerusalem shall no longer be trodden down of the Gentiles, but shall arise from the dust of divine disfavor, to honor; because the 'Times of the Gentiles' will be fulfilled or completed.

    "Fifthly, It will prove that by that date, or sooner, Israel's blindness will begin to be turned away..."

    So by 1914 Russell expected Israel to become a nation and its conversion. The first part didn't happen until 1948 and the second part is still not fulfilled.

    What, then, is so significant about the scriptural date of 1914?

    You still haven't told me what significantly happened in 1914.

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