I have been a successful liar in the past, but it was only when I forced myself to actually believe them. I won a lawsuit in one instance, where I backed it up with phony documentation.
I have lied when the person I'm telling the truth to won't believe what I tell them (ex-husband on why I was leaving) so I told him the lies he wanted to hear. Then I told him the truth again, but he prefered to believe the lies. 7 years later, and he still prefers to believe the lies. For him it's easier than the truth.
Today my lies are usually those of omission... don't ask, don't tell.
I know I'm fat. I know I don't look good, nor dress well anymore. I have my reasons (which are not excuses).
Oh, yeah, excuses are lies, usually as much to one's self as to the person they are telling them to.
However, I really do my best to be on the up-and-up, because lies become tangled webs. I also will not tolerate anyone lying to me, and will call them on it, even my spousal unit, Kevan.