I suppose I shouldn't admit this, but darn it, I will. For the past 6 years I have been a daily user of a certain illegal herb, the one that blocks your dreams. In my defence I have chronic pain and it helps. well that's my excuse. Anyway, on my trip to the UK I didn't have any. So at night I had dreams that I could remember. And you know what they were about, yep, JDubyas! About ones who didn't or wouldn't talk to me; about ones I wanted to talk to about the truth about the troof and so on.
My overall recollection - I had this happen several nights - was one of letting go and not being upset at all that I wasn't being listened to. More than anything I was amused by it all. I felt fine in the dreams and when I woke, I was just accepting it. I think that's good, but I will go back to my herb garden.