I RARELY ever wake up remembering any dreams, but I just now woke up from a very strange dream.
I fell asleep around 9:15 PM tonight, just before the end of the debate, so I was dreaming about the debate. Toward the end of the debate I was dreaming Bush and Kerry exchange "gifts". Bush gave Kerry some pot in a huge blunt and Kerry gave Bush some meth to snort. Bush commented that it was his favorite... then they both "partook" together.
A moment later Kerry decided to just swallow what was left of his blunt and at that very moment the camera went to Bush to see him start choking. It wasn't just regular "choking", it was a very violent and disturbing choking causing him to thrash around and make some horrible sounds. A bunch of men in suits ran on stage together to try to help, but nothing they did seemed to help.
I woke up shaken and horrified that the whole world just watched a man choke to death live on TV.