End Times Prophets are BOGUS! - Matt.24, Mark 13, Luke.21

by LittleToe 23 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • searcher

    I see it all as being very simple.

    If all people behaved in the way that Jesus advocated, this world would be a heavenly place to live, we would care for each other, and the Earth, literally 'back to the garden'.

    That surely would be tha end of 'This World' or 'This System'.

  • Narkissos
    • Do you feel Mark was not an exception, as some say his account was written before 70 CE.

    I fail to see any evidence of its being written earlier. Actually, I doubt any of the Gospels in their final form existed before the end of the 1st century. If we concentrate on the eschatological discourse in chapter 13, we do find elements which may derive from a pre-70 Jewish apocalypse (especially in v. 7f, 14-20, 24-27). But I sincerely doubt that the initial question-answer (v. 1f: "... Not one stone will be left here upon another; all will be thrown down") which gives the discourse its present context is earlier than 70 AD.

  • Why do you differentiate the test of Prophet from the test of Prophecy. (more explanation)
  • Actually they are completely unrelated (that was just a joke): what I meant by the "test of prophecy" is not to tell which apparent prophecy is "from God" but which is really a futuristic prediction, and not history in the disguise of prophecy. When we look back, only when we see the "prophecy" diverging from the historical course of events we can know for sure that the writer was not writing after the events...

  • Do you view any New Testament prophesy as being fulfilled?
  • I guess the very concept of prophecy in the sense of prediction (there is much more to "prophecy" in the ancient and even biblical context) is something I came to reject even as a Christian. I mean, I don't think the future is written anywhere.
  • LittleToe

    I think Shakita and Steve caught my target audience, for this thread.
    I do appreciate your further comments, though Didier, as it widens it's scope.

  • LittleToe

    I think that riding ourselves of the "Armageddon" trigger is one of the biggest favours we can do ourselves. I'm glad you're succeeding

    Refering back to the verse I posted, these are probably the choice excerpts:

    • Don't fall for any of that
    • Keep your head and don't panic
    • This is routine history and no sign of the end
    • Make up your mind right now not to worry about it

    I only hope it helps someone to reduce the irrational fears that have been implanted by the WTS.
    To quote another scripture (fighting fire with fire, here ):

    1John.4:18 "The Message" "There is no room in love for fear. Well-formed love banishes fear. Since fear is crippling, a fearful life--fear of death, fear of judgment--is one not yet fully formed in love."

  • Blueblades

    Hi Little Toe! Your post is my cup of tea. I have enjoyed the other comments added to this post. Post's like this one help to ease the mind and bring rest to the restless spirit. Thanks for posting!


  • Princess
    Princess:I think that riding ourselves of the "Armageddon" trigger is one of the biggest favours we can do ourselves. I'm glad you're succeeding

    Me Too.

    Refering back to the verse I posted, these are probably the choice excerpts:

    • Don't fall for any of that
    • Keep your head and don't panic
    • This is routine history and no sign of the end
    • Make up your mind right now not to worry about it

    They just never seem to get that.

  • gumby

    Princess.....run for your damn life dammit, Washingtons blowing up and we need you for the fest!!!!! *pictures her in her black trunks typing away with black smoke all around her*

    Could it be because the other gospels more clearly identify that the "signs" were supposed to relate to the fall of Jerusalem, and not some far future time?

    LT, the WTBTS cherry picks gospel quotes to suit their agenda while disregarding what fellow gospel quotes say on a regular basis. They did the same with the reference to the "Faithfull and Wise Servant"(slave). Had the other gospel been used in the latter, it would have given support to an "individual" servant, rather than a group selected by Jehovah and would destroy their Governing Body theory.


  • LittleToe

    Gah, now I've got visions of black trunks!!!

    Good call on the "Faithful Slave" picking and choosing, btw.

  • Farkel

    Little Toe,

    : Could it be because the other gospels more clearly identify that the "signs" were supposed to relate to the fall of Jerusalem, and not some far future time?

    But of course! Only a non-dub could see this simple thing!

    It was all written after-the-fact, though, so it's the same bullshit as dub bullshit. Anyone can "predict" stuff after it happened. Do a little research on the dating and writing of the NT Books, Little Toe. You might be surprised that most of this stuff was written FAR AFTER the "contemporaneous" (SP?) events they supposedly described.


  • Princess
    *pictures her in her black trunks typing away with black smoke all around her*

    hmmmm, it was verra warm here today, warm enough for me black swim trunks...but no black smoke thank god.

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