Have you had this experience when talking with friends and family members who are still in? It goes something like this:
YOU:Well the society looked down on attending college when I was getting out of high school.
THEM:They never said you couldn't attend college.
YOU:Maybe not specifically, but they certainly painted those that did as spiritually weak and discouraged young people from pursuing higher education beyond highschool.
THEM:I don't remember that. I never read anything about higher education. It was always left up to your conscience.
YOU:You don't remember that no one you know sent their kid's to college.
THEM:That was their choice, the society wasn't to blame for their own personal decisions.
YOU:Let me get this straight, your saying that the society exercises no influence over it's members. The articles that they printed regarding the unwise nature of pursuing higher eductaion, had no bearing on parents decisions to send their children to school? Not to mention the constant harping on the idea that we're living at the end and so don't want to waste time in wordly pursuits. None of this effected anyones decisions?!
THEM:I'd have to re-read the articles your refering to myself.
YOU:AAAAARRRRRRGGGGGHHHHH! (running out of the room, hair on fire)
The above experience illustrates one of the most frustrating aspects of dealing with those friends and family members who are still in the organization; intellectual dishonesty. They seem incapable of acknowleding even the most basic truths about the society's teachings when they percieve that doing so may paint the organization in an unfavorable light.
From the "generation of 1914" teaching, to the arbitrary rulings on the blood issue, no witness seems to be able to admit error or at least inconsistancy. How can you reach someone who can't even be honest about the beliefs of their own religion.
Sorry, just had to vent.