When are JW's going to realise the GB's not writing books anymore?
JW's have got to be wondering why there hardly any new JW books coming out anymore.And most of the newer ones are just edited versions of old books.
When are JW's going to realise the GB's not writing books anymore?
by sleepy 23 Replies latest jw friends
City Fan
Too true Sleepy,
I recently had a conversation with my mother, who stated (in her own words) that the new publications were 'awful'. I think anyone who was used to the publications of the 50's, 60's and 70's must realise how dumbed down the new ones are. I think the dubs of that era actually thrived on prophetic speculation and 'new light'. I know the JW books on prophecy were what first got my mother interested.
They don't really produce these anymore. There was the recent Daniel and Isaiah books but I don't think they speculated much on the future, and now take the view that prophetic fullfillment "becomes known only after the events start to occur." I don't think Freddie Franz or Da Judge would have had any problem giving the 'King of the North' a new identity.
The trouble is now with the internet you can see just how wrong some of the JW predictions have been, which is probably why they no longer produce these kinds of books.
Oh woe is me.
Gone are the times when the Watchtower and Awake! was more interesting that the Beano and Dandy!You do have to wonder what neanderthalic minds work on the writing committee, these days. Either that or they're unsuccessfully trying to break into the Kindergarten market...
city fan
I don't think Freddie Franz or Da Judge would have had any problem giving the 'King of the North' a new identity.
I`m sure you cannot imagine what a short time it will take to give him a new identity... wait a moment;-) If the WTBS do not grasp it and do so, then we will do;-)
I agree I think that there are no GB writing books anymore ,after the death of Lloyd Barry in like 2000 or 2001 he was the Dept. head in the writing dept. I think was responsible for the Isaiah and Daniel books. The 2 releases this summer were also rehashes of old stuff. I also noticed that most of the latest WT and Awakes are all about basic things. I mean recently they had articles about pets and dog training and fertility..... Each issue that comes out I am more and more loath to reading them.
its hard for them to produce " solid " food anymore.
information age.. anyone and everyone can verify information, sources , quotes etc.
anyone can go back and see what they said about any given subject over the past 100 yrs and how anything new differs.
" JW LITE" gets new ones interested , increases numbers. who cares if the ones that devoted their lives arent getting good meaty " spiritual" food , they wont leave.. they'd be shunned and lose their families!
Room 215
It would seem the intellectual cupboard is bare out there in Brooklyn/Patterson; about the only GB who would seem remotely capable of writing anything is Sydlik. Among the non-GBers, Karl Adams is really long in the tooth; Dean Songer, whatever he thinks of himself, is a lightweight with more mystique than substance. None of them can begin to approach Freddies fantasmagoric imagination.
I truly believe that the governing body of JW's finally acknowledges that their followers are refusing to be dim witted twits. They have nothing new to write about at all. They've said it all over and over and now that they know they are being held more accountable for the statements they make and the scriptures they use to back up their "story", the more they will hold back from placing themselves in awkward situations.
All I can say is thank goodness for the freedoms we enjoy. The freedom of the internet, that has opened up so much that was unavailable before. People are becoming educated. Dispite warnings that the internet is evil and anything out there that is not JW is evil, people are wising up and finding their own truth.
A cult is just a cult.
>You do have to wonder what neanderthalic minds work on the writing committee, these days.
LT, you see me offended - I live in the Neanderthal. ;-) -
Yeah, you are all right. But, if they don;t publish new books (even watered down or just re-prints in diffrent
order) how are they going to keep contributions at a steady flow?
This month we have to leave to all householders (canvassing sweep) the keep on the watch brochure.
Obviously they expect us to contribute for those!