Alleymom's 3-year birthday

by Alleymom 10 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Alleymom

    Hi, friends ---

    It's my 3-year birthday!

    I haven't posted too often in the three years since I joined, but I've met some wonderful people here and I feel as if I know many of the rest of you through your posts.

    Where else would I ever have found people interested in discussing neo-Babylonian chronology with me <s>? I especially had fun with the KISS thread and the Furuli thread last year.

    Earnest, if you are reading this, would you believe I finally received an English copy of Sequence of Events in the Old Testament? It came today.

    Incidentally, the upcoming issue of the Journal of Cuneiform Studies is going to have an article by Stefan Zawadzki on NBC 4897. (NBC 4897 is a business ledger from the temple of Eanna with bookkeeping inventories for an institutional herd. It shows running totals for items such as ewes, lambs, goat hair, and hides. It's significant for 6th century neo-Babylonian chronology because it has inventories starting in the 37th year of Nebuchadnezzar and continuing for ten years, through Awel-Marduk's reign and on into the first year of Neriglissar. There was an earlier JCS article on NBC 4897 by Van Driel and Nemet-Nejat.)

    I'm looking forward to seeing what Zawadzki has to say.

    Ian, you are in my thoughts and prayers constantly.


  • seeitallclearlynow

    Happy third anniversary on the board Alleymom!

    It's significant for 6th century neo-Babylonian chronology because it has inventories starting in the 37th year of Nebuchadnezzar and continuing for ten years, through Awel-Marduk's reign and on into the first year of Neriglissar

    And let us know what you find out, will you?

  • RunningMan

    You may not have posted much, but this one was a classic:

    It has become part of my permanent archive, and is a simple, concise way of burying 607 with the Society's own words.


  • City Fan
    City Fan

    Hi Alleymom,

    Yes that K.I.S.S. thread was a classic, and is in my archives too.

    Happy anniversary, and keep us informed about Zawadzki's conclusions.


  • Narkissos

    Happy anniversary on the JWD calendar Alleymom!

    And thanks folks for the link, I never noticed this thread (I'm not that much into chronology but this one seems fascinating!).

  • Dansk


    Yes, the K.I.S.S. thread IS a classic! One day I hope my girls will read it!!


    Ian, you are in my thoughts and prayers constantly.

    I guess you knew I'd drop in! Love to you and yours!!


  • Alleymom
    Ian: I guess you knew I'd drop in! Love to you and yours!!

    Well, I hoped you would ...

    Yes, the K.I.S.S. thread IS a classic! One day I hope my girls will read it!!

    Keep hoping, Ian. Your girls know you and Claire love them.


  • Alleymom
    You may not have posted much, but this one was a classic:

    It has become part of my permanent archive, and is a simple, concise way of burying 607 with the Society's own words.

    Runningman, City Fan, and Narkissos ---

    I'm glad you liked it. I recently exchanged a few messages on another board with an inactive Witness who had never before heard there was any question about the Society's 607 BCE date. He intends to look into it. I thought about sending him over here, but I just wasn't sure. I had the feeling it would be better to let him do a little independent study first, to confirm for himself what I told him, that there is no secular evidence at all for 607.


  • Earnest

    Is it already three years, Alleymom. How time flies when you're having fun...and that is what strikes me from all the posts you have made. You have no scores to settle, or wounds to lick...but you have so much to share with a group whose lives have revolved around the accuracy of Neo-babylonian chronology. And do so with a great sense of humour. How you manage to do the amount of study and research you do and still be a mother of many I just don't know...but I'm glad you do.

    Hope you'll also be sharing some gems from 'Sequence of Events' as you come across them.


  • Narkissos

    Yes, I read the K.I.S.S. thread yesterday. I never thought I could get a chuckle from a chronology thread, but this one definitely did it. It's just devastating.

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