lol they married at 16, had more than a dozen kids, didnt get any privacy till about 17 yrs ago when the youngest finally moved out..they are still hornymoonin. and its not EW ! lol.. i hope i'm that healthy when i'm older!
The damn Egyptians liked way older women
by gumby 67 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Could this be where we get the modern expression ?Abimilech-bait??'s where we get the expression....."she ain't bad for an older woman"!
Preston......Sarah was no Sophia . Remember, she lived in the desert with no razor or deoderant and had big ol' black hairs shootin out from under her arms. Plus....she had no hair dye! I'm thinkin she prolly looked more like "Grandmama" on the Munsters.
I ditto SimpleSally
Seriously...I wouldn't want to be witha 70 year old guy...ewwwwwwwwwww
Maybe back in Egyptian days a 70 year old butt was an equivalent of a 30 year old's today...ya know...they were closer to
Maybe back in Egyptian days a 70 year old butt was an equivalent of a 30 year old's today...ya know...they were closer to
Funny you should say that codeblue. This morning I verbally shared this threa with my wife and she said..."people lived longer back then and were closer to perfection". I said "psalms says a lifespan is only 70-80 years....what's the deal?. I usually don't do that but I couldn't resist. I was good and changed the subject.
I'll just betcha a 70 year old back 4 or 5 thousand years ago, didn't look as good as a 70 year old today.
I said "psalms says a lifespan is only 70-80 years....
Good one. And this Psalm (90) is supposed to have been written by Moses (v. 1)!
Remember, she lived in the desert with no razor or deoderant and had big ol' black hairs shootin out from under her arms.
Gumby, don't be an ass, there are more ways to get rid of hair than using a razor, such as hot wax, honey, plucking..........and, think about it..........what did men use to shave with just 60 or so years ago? A straight razor, which is in reality a very sharp knife..........that's it. (shaking her head at Gumby's deliberate obtuseness and lack of imagination)
This reminds me of a thread I posted a while ago.
Maybe Pharo likes older women too. Hey, great men think alike :)
People used to live more at that a 70 year old could be 40 today
Gumby--The Munsters had Grampa...Grandmama was a member of the Addam's Family. And when those two got together, they could TANGO !!! Seriously, I have no doubt Grandmama and ol' Sarai herself knew a few tricks the younger chicks didn't and could make any man walk like an ee - gyp - shun
Here's a pic (courtesy of The Bible Story Book) of Pharoah dreaming of his Sarai...
Gumby--The Munsters had Grampa...Grandmama was a member of the Addam's Family.
Your right Mary M...I realised that bout an hour after I posted that. Grandmama was a hottie eh?
Sunnygal, even if they had straight Razors in Sarahs day, they still had no deoderant, make-up, perms, hair dye, silicone, Eves products, ....nothin! You know how you women look when you've been camping for a few days.....think about permanent residence in the desert! Actually....I'm just trying to piss you off a bit to livin up this thread.....I'm sure you are in reality a cuddlemuffin when yer all hairy and stinky and stuff.
Big B.O. sweaty hugs from the gumbastard