I need advice. My daughter is getting married next month, she has no idea of the extent of my husbands and my fading as she lives in another area.
The thing is she really loves this guy and will marry him come what may, but my husband thinks she should know about us before she gets married. Im worried her BF might say we cant go to the wedding or stop her seeing us after.
Ive got a idea hes a bit of a hard liner, controlling! which worries me greatly or maybe hes just immature But my daughter would not listen if I expressed this. The thing is I know she would leave the org with us if she still lived at home. Shes not very spritual although she tries, evenmore so because of him,
Like I said she WILL marry him, and she does have a good friends and family in the truth, but I feel ive betrayed her, abandoned her to this org but I dont want to worry her or spoil her wedding
What would you tell her, or wait till after the wedding and tell slowly.