1.)O.K So last night I made a vow of celibacy to God. An official promise in prayer to not fornicate so that maybe I too can have a special wedding night. (my boyfriend was surprisingly supportive) I remember reading a scripture that says a promise made to God should be taken very serious. Anyone have any suggestions in how I can keep it?
2.) Last night at my theocratic meeting the bro. was giving a talk on main points from the district convention so nautrally everyone pulled out their notes. But I noticed that many people had all the same exact notebook with the same cover sheet and notes inside. I've realized that during WT studies and bookstudies many have all the ansewrs including additional ansewrs taken apparently from some type of website. I've heard rumors about websites that give out WT comments as if you're really saying them in your own words and even all ready written up talks. Anybody know of these websites?
3.) Besides your field service history what else is on a publishers card? I heard that when you move to a new congregation (like I myself did 2 years ago but still haven't joined the school) all the problems you had, elder meetings and so on are all recorded on that card. Is that true?
4.) In my old congreagation the elders found out about my boyfriend at the time (I denied everything) and also I was accused of asking too many unnecessary questions and was in risk of "independant thinking" and not "conforming to Jehovah's standards" (this was due to my relentless research and the more I found out about like organ transplants, inconsistincies in the wt and failed prohecies; the more I wanted to speak up ) well it proved uselss but I am suspecting that all this is on my publishers card. The reason I say all this is b/c next week I plan to finally join the school to get my mom off my back. Can I be told that I cannot join b/c of what may be on my publishers card or can I just put on that stepford smile and pretend I'm that perfect angel that the elders want me to be?
5.) Where do you draw the line between being a follower of God and not being one? Is it your actions or faith or both. Can you be an ax murderer and bank robber but at the same time have faith in God and still be considered a follower of God?
6.) Am I still that generation that "may never get old" that I was always told when I was younger or has that changed? I don't hear that expression used anymore?
7.) So why is their crime, violence and everything else bad? Is it b/c God's sovereignty was tested like the WT teaching explains? What is your explanation.
If you don't know the ansewr to a quesiton but you think you know an online article that does please include that. I always have questions and I always get good anewrs from people on here.(If you get a chance please check my "Questions that Need Ansewrs Part 1 topic from about a week ago. THANX!