What do you lie about repeatedly?
What is your biggest lie you ever told?
What is the worst?
How do you react when you find out somebody you trust has lied to you?
Are there acceptable lies?
by Terry 30 Replies latest jw friends
What do you lie about repeatedly?
What is your biggest lie you ever told?
What is the worst?
How do you react when you find out somebody you trust has lied to you?
Are there acceptable lies?
Being Happy
I am too ashamed to admit that i have failed
Telling my family that my life was perfect
Saying I love you when i didnt mean it.
I get what i give out.
i lie by ommision more than anything. i suck at lying to someones face.
Hey there Terry.
Sounds like your having a
Crises of Conscience moment. LOL
What do you lie about repeatedly?
I can't think of anything.
Because I prefer not to lie
What is your biggest lie you ever told?
This one time when I was a school patrol (crossing guard), I got into the habit of throwing those packages of condiments on the road (ketchup, relish, mustard, vinegar). One day, I threw a package of vinegar on the road, and it sprayed the adult crossing guard. She asked me, "Did you put that on the road?" I simply said, "No" but I had been doing it for weeks. She deserved it though. She was a bitch.
What is the worst?
Telling other JWs that I wanted to become an unbaptized publisher.
How do you react when you find out somebody you trust has lied to you?
Depends on the lie. If it's small, I'll tell them that I hate liars and tell them that I won't tolerate it. They will be forgiven once.
If it's a big lie, they are kicked out of my life.
Are there acceptable lies?
Yes. Telling a lie about a very personal detail that is nobody's business is okay.
What do you lie about repeatedly?
Everything is ok (to myself) ... I know that for everything even the worst something good or something even worst will happen soon or later related or not (better not think about the worst so ... the formula : "Everything is ok" is just fine ...)
To keep on going nor to not care anymore ... it always works real good at the end (or then it's about an other issue)
What is your biggest lie you ever told?
What is the worst?
Big or Worst ... No way ! (but to myself - the time to get the point / take over or whatever) I get in conflict with myself when I feel like to lie (not lying saved me too many times) ...
The only thing that I can try and did/do sometimes, is to shut up, or rearrange to make something appear less or more important than it is (it's a lie somehow) ...
Not easy for me (to shut up) whoever I feel to tell or who asked the truth or who need the truth (depends on what it is and what I'm thinking about) ...
Actually it's a real issue : I got in trouble with lots of people who couldn't hear it ... or who was especting me to be on their side to protect their own asses ... in putting me or somebody else in trouble ... like a few of my friends and bosses (for instance). It costs me a few jobs actually ... LOL (it was not really funy each time, some were ... really) ...
I have no regrets ... actually that's how I got my 2 best jobs opportunities (they called me back) ... and the one I have now (job) is from one of my ex manager which I got in trouble with because of this issue (for and against her - lots of rearrangements). This time I'm gonna shut up, I need this job for a little while Damnit !!! And well I'll smoke a few joints if needed to stand it a little longer ... not sure I'll be able but ... who knows ...).
How do you react when you find out somebody you trust has lied to you?
Well again : It's a real issue, I hate "bad faith" and moreover when I find out somebody I trusted has lied to me. that how I end up slaping my son like a fool (because I though he wouldn't lie to me - he hasn't - it was only about a visual error of my part). In knowing that I've promessed to myself to not beating him in anyway for any reason since I did once when he was a little baby (awfull)
Bab faith and lies that what I've had to deal with on a daily bases in my childwood - maybe I do exagate here a bit about the daily bases but that's how I fell it was. I just can't stand it too long anymore from anyone ... (I probably need a shrink to get a balance here ... and I mean it ...)
Are there acceptable lies?
Well yeah ... when somebody who is already too much in pain don't need the truth ... But I don't remember being in such case probably because I didn't fell like it was a lie in this contexte, most of the time I probably did shut up or rearrange.
What do you lie about repeatedly?Why?
-I sometimes add an inch to my height, so that when I reveal my weight it doesn't seem as bad ..
-I say I play the violin "well"..
-I only admit to 1/3 of the actual number of sex partners I've had..
What is your biggest lie you ever told?
My biggest lie (that I can think of).. is: in real life none of my friends know that I am bi-curious.. I have denied it several times.. . In a way this is denying or lying about a big part of me. I am very attracted to women lately.. almost as much as men.
What is the worst?
I denied having fornicated so as not to get df'd, but got df'd anyway.
How do you react when you find out somebody you trust has lied to you?
Depends on what the lie is. I almost always forgive though.
Are there acceptable lies?Of course.
What do you lie about repeatedly?-I only admit to 1/3 of the actual number of sex partners I've had..
So... how many partners HAVE you had?
if i only admitted to one third i'd be way boring than i already am.
If I were a big liar, how could you believe my answers?
I don't answer nosy questions. INOYB.
But I decided that if the elders lie to me and about me, they were not entitled to the truth.
If someone says they never lie, they are a liar.
Never Be Lied To Again : How to Get the Truth In 5 Minutes Or Less In Any Conversation Or Situationby David J. Lieberman