A newspaper article some years back stated that the average American lies approximately 200 times a day, based on a study done on this subject.
Wow, I have 150 more to go yet today
by Terry 30 Replies latest jw friends
A newspaper article some years back stated that the average American lies approximately 200 times a day, based on a study done on this subject.
Wow, I have 150 more to go yet today
What do you lie about repeatedly?
"I'm fine ...." F'ked up, Insecure, Neurotic, Emotional but I'm FINE! wait, that's not lying.
What is your biggest lie you ever told?
I;m a lousy liar. The most successful was when I just dropped out from a health club I signed up for, and when I was sent to a collection agency, I fabricated a written cancellation letter that I supposedly dilivered to a person at the desk of the club. I even stapled it, folded it, ripped out the stable, etc. The creditor threatened me with taking everything I owned. He even followed me out to my car (it was in a friend's name and I was paying for it cuz I couldn't get one myself). I was sued. When I went to court with my piece of paper, the judge ruled that I attempted to cancel within 48 hours and threw out the case. However, I really had to work at convincing myself that I did what I lied about so that I was convincing. The biggest was usually to myself in bad relationships.
How do you react when you find out somebody you trust has lied to you?
With anger. If they do not show repenting attitude and a willingness to work on the problem, and action in working on the problem, they're outta my life.
Are there acceptable lies?
Yes. Can't think of any right now.... Usually just small white lies. The biggies are no-no's. I usually get caught at them, too. So I just don't. Brenda - from Honesty Is The Best Policy class
Yes I am, and so are you.
All words are lies.
How can I communicate anything with words and not lie? Words are a "rumor of truth," passed down by generations like whispered gossip. French, for example, is a trully dynamic language that morphs with every century. So I am forced to lie everytime I speak or write, based on the corrupt messenger I employ: the word.
What do you lie about repeatedly?
What is your biggest lie you ever told?
What is the worst?
How do you react when you find out somebody you trust has lied to you?
Are there acceptable lies? Once again Terry, you first....
I was just reminded of my biggest lie in another thread...
When I first got my license, I thought I'd be real cool and pull up to our mailboxt like a mailman to check the mail, but somehow I got the front end stuck in the pole that the mailbox was on. I kept driving back and forth to get unstuck and made this huge dent in the side with these awful scrapes.
I was so worried that my parents wouldn't let me drive after this that I told them that some gangsters must have done it when I went into the video store to return a video. I even said they had a yellow car (to match the color that got scraped on the car) I was very descriptive of the "gangsters" and everything. They actually bought it! Other people in the congregation didn't, though. I never told anyone the truth about that...until today!
Happy Guy says:What do you lie about repeatedly?
What is your biggest lie you ever told?
What is the worst?
How do you react when you find out somebody you trust has lied to you?
Are there acceptable lies?
Once again Terry, you first....
When opportunities don't turn out I usually excuse the people who made promises to me and make it sound like it wasn't their fault. (This would be when explaining it to my wife.)
I also soften what some of my grown up kids are doing in their lives by shaving the edges off their bad decisions when I tell people about them
The worst lie I ever told was when I came up out of the water when I was Baptised at the Cleburne Assembly in Nov. 1969. I promised I'd serve Jehovah for life.
I suppose you could say I lied when I made wedding vows and then got divorced.
Sometimes I tell my kids I don't have any money when I really do.
I've omitted my prison years from my job resume on many an occasion.
Now, your turn Happy guy.
I suppose you could say I lied when I made wedding vows and then got divorced.
Sometimes I tell my kids I don't have any money when I really do.
These would apply to me as well.
What do you lie about repeatedly? That if a eat (chocolate) deserts it won't hurt my waistline.
Why? Because I love chocolate.
What is your biggest lie you ever told? Telling my kids that my ex loved them and would not hurt them. In reality I knew there was a high probability that she could and would hurt them....and she did. What is the worst? Same as the previous.
How do you react when you find out somebody you trust has lied to you? Surprised and disappointed.
Are there acceptable lies? Yes
I've omitted my prison years from my job resume on many an occasion
Prison, Terry?!?
I was having lunch with some powerful women, at a seminar (they included me). At the table in the restaurant, one of them said "we all pray before we eat, don't we?" I foolishly nodded my head, and got sucked into a very public lunchtime prayer..........very embarrassing. At least they didn't ask me to say it.
I try not to lie, but in some situations, it seems necessary to keep the peace. One of my daughters in law is very religious and cornered me last summer while we were camping, asking me difficult questions about my beliefs. It seemed so important to her for me to answer her questions correctly, so I was a bit devious....................not outright lying, but I was deceitful. For the most part, I am not sure what I believe about god, Jesus and the Bible. I know I don't believe Jesus was divine, or the son of god. I evaded the question on that one, and told her I am at a transitional point in my belief system and wasn't sure how to answer her. That satisfied her and she quickly went on to "Do you believe the Bible is the perfect word of god?" I still don't remember how I got out of that one. I remember some of the conversation, but was just trying to stay in favor.
Truthfully, I believe the Bible is an interesting book............period................not inspired nor is it from God. In business situations, when I am selling to Christians, I try hard to avoid that subject, but occasionally I play a role as a believing Christian. I hate that.
In business situations, when I am selling to Christians, I try hard to avoid that subject, but occasionally I play a role as a believing Christian. I hate that.
Then stop. I'm a Christian and purchase items from all types. Maybe I'm more sensitive to it than the average Christian (because of faking in our family for so long), but you'd be surprised how many people "sense" that you're lying. If you're lying about your religious belief system, then what about your products are you lying about? If I want to do business with you and I sense you're lying about something little in our conversation, you've already sabotaged any future sales. It's business. You can still be respectful about that person's beliefs without patronizing them by faking something you're not. If they decided to NOT give you business based on that aspect, then do you want their business anyway?