JW Organization On Autopilot

by AlanF 82 Replies latest jw friends

  • Fredhall


    Like you was there when he got all the booze from the truck? Plus, did you see him drink all of it?

  • outnfree


    I noticed that, too!


    Enjoyed your post, as I am sure I will enjoy the link -- but later, as I attend to the present squeaky wheel in my life!

    Thanks again,

  • Fredhall


    Moyle never proved that Rutherford was drunk. Rutherford asked him in the Board of Directors meeting to prove it and Moyle did not said one word of it. If I'm right, Moyle accused Rutherford with alot of booze. However, Rutherford told Moyle that the booze was for not for him only, but it was for other people at Bethel and he mention their names too. If Moyle wanted the whole truth, then why didn't he ask others whom Rutherford gave the booze to if it was true?

    And regarding Worsely, IF he lied in court then why should YOU believe him now? I'll bet any opposer of the truth would not believe Worsley if he said that Rutherford was a drunkard in court and change his mind later on.

    Plus, Moyle accused Rutherford on alot of things. One was that Rutherford owned many houses. But Moyle, never prove that Rutherford own one foot of land. Why? Because Rutherford NEVER did own one foot of land.

    Keep searching for the truth on Rutherford AlanF!!!

  • AlanF

    You're pretty funny there, Fridolin. I already mentioned that Moyle couldn't prove that Rutherford was a drunk because Rutherford got his cronies to lie for him. But eventually some of these people admitted that they had lied. Obviously you're ignoring the fact that if Rutherford got hold of a lot of booze for his buddies in Bethel, he must have been drinking plenty of it. You're also ignoring the fact that Rutherford broke American Prohibition laws by importing and serving liquor. According to those laws, he was a criminal. He certainly wasn't forced by any religious principles to not comply with them. He didn't because he enjoyed his liquor too much -- he was a drunk.

    Now, Fridolin, why would an old man like Worsley, not far from the grave, lie to someone in a private conversation about things that had happened 50 years earlier? And how do you explain the fact that so many others have said, in private conversation, that Rutherford was a drunk? These facts are well known among Bethelites. All you have to do to confirm them is call Watchtower yourself and ask.

    As for Rutherford's owning houses, he didn't have to own them in his own name. His having exclusive use of various houses, such as Beth Sarim and one on Staten Island, is just as good as owning them.

    Rutherford was an abuser of his followers, and ruled them with an iron fist. I know this from a variety of sources, including my father, who worked on the Writing Desk (closely related to the Service Department) from 1938 to 1946. He knew Rutherford well and told me that the smarter Bethel Boys knew to give the old Boozer a wide berth. Rutherford was quite far from the Christian example he liked to portray. Several long-time JWs, some of whom went to prison in the 1940s because of the draft, told me they don't consider Rutherford to have been a Christian at all. And that was true. Rutherford was a Pharisaic hypocrite, a fine example of "do as I say and not as I do".


  • Prisca


    Thanks for your insights. I'd dare say the organisation is running on autopilot just as it's loyal adherents are. When you try to reason with a witness (try being the operative word) their response are also on autopilot, cued responses when they hear key words. Any new info you try to tell them is regarded as "apostate". If it's not in the Watchtowers, then it can't be true. A mindset that is hard to penetrate.

    It's sad when you see loved friends and family still caught up in the clutches of the Borg, but we can only try. If the Borg offered them much more, then perhaps it wouldn't be so sad.

    How long can/will this organisation keep on going?

  • VeniceIT

    You know the first thing that came to mind when I saw this title was the sceen on 'Airplane' with the infatable Pilot. And you know I think it fits hahahahaha, and they're gonna run out of air soon


    "It is easier to fight for ones principles the to live up to them"--Alfred Adler

  • larc

    Fred and You Know,

    Rutherford never had a mistress right? Well, I knew one of them.

    If you want me to prove it, I won't even bother, because I don't have pictures of them in bed together having sex, so the evidence I do have would be waisted on you.

  • Amazing

    Hi Alan: Great post, and very much confirmed by former bethelites I talked to at the BRCI Conference last weekend. You mention the Moyle case. His grand-daughter, whom you and I met at my house one time mentioned that Olin won $30,000 judgment (Two $15,000 awards, one for punative and one for compensatory damages.) Later, I got a copy of the full trial, and it confirmed the $30,000 total judgment.

    The JWs back then, and clear up into the 1970s still talked about that trial. One of our Elders who went to KM School in Pennsylvania, where they used to hold all the KM Schools then, commented about this, and what he heard there. One of the men there noted that Moyle got his $30K like Judas who got his 30 pieces of Silver. That was the first I heard of Moyle until meeting his grand-daughter in 1992.

    As a side note, Moyle was a far better attorney than Joe Boozy Ratherflawed, and Olin had a good case, and in my opinion, he lambasted the Society in court, though I thought it was when Ratherflawed was still alive. I need to look up the curt docs in my files, but it seems that the Moyle trial was held in the late 1930s. I could be wrong on that.

    I think your assessment of the Society being on auto-pilot is right on target. They are in a real hard spot, and I am very curious just where they will go from here. Thanks again. - Amazing

  • Flip
    Now that these luminaries are gone, the JWs are run by committee. Things have deteriorated in the usual way...The organization falls into the hands of bureaucrats who are mainly concerned with keeping the organization going so as to keep their place in it. The founder's goals are given lip service but play little part in the real activities...

    I suggest this link… http://www.nydailynews.com/2000-10-14/News_and_Views/City_Beat/a-84142.asp …which, I believe, seems to illustrate somewhat, the bureaucratic atmosphere “hinted” about in the above quote.

    Real people have died because of these men!

    Instead of levity, you’d think they’d come up with a statement a little more inspirational and deserving of those sacrifices…unless, of course, the WTBTS “bean counters” aren’t.


  • ozziepost

    You Know: I'm confused by your statement:

    once the good news of the kingdom is preached to Jehovah's satisfaction, in advance of Christ's arrival, that once Jesus does arrive and all hell breaks loose

    I understood that the big difference in teaching between the Witnesses and orthodox Christians was that the Dubs teach that he has already "come" and is present invisibly. The Christian view, on the other hand, is that they are waiting on Jesus coming again.

    Are we to understand that you have adopted the Christian view as your personal belief? Are you now 'out of step' with Jehovah's organisation? Have the F&DS got it wrong?



    "Truth persuades by teaching, but does not teach by persuading."
    TERTULLIAN, Adversus Valentinianos

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