JW Organization On Autopilot

by AlanF 82 Replies latest jw friends

  • VeniceIT

    This next excerpt is from the book A People For His Name by Timothy White

    (This could perhaps explain why Rutherford’s wife left him)

    Pg. 213 WOMEN

    Of particular note in Rutherford’s expose of Satan’s devices was his attitude toward women and their clubs and organizations. As Ezekiel was told to prophesy “Against the daughters of thy people, which prophesy out of they own heart.”(ez. 13:17) the Judge took it to be his job to blast the prevailing movements towards equality of the sexes. In 1919, “the Congress of the United States enfranchised women and this act was after the World War had ended and Satan had been cast out of heaven and had begun to prepare his forces for Armageddon.(Revelation 12:12, 16:13-16). The Women of America in particular began to compete with the men as prophets of peaces and to have a part in guiding and dictating the policies and political operations of Christendom. Since then they have wielded a great influence in the church organizations and in councils of state…The woman make monkeys or dupes of men. The men have become effeminate, soft easily influenced and have lost their real manhood and sturdiness in the affairs of sate and home. For instance, when men are sitting at a table and a woman approaches, all the men arise and pay her homage and thereby elevate her to a place above men. The men remove their hats upon entering an elevator, if a woman is present; and these things are said to be acts of respect and to show that man is a gentleman. But it is subtle, and the real meaning is much different from that. It is a scheme of Satan to turn men away from God and from his announced rule of the proper position of man and woman. The Lord has declared that no effeminate man shall inherit the kingdom of heaven (1 Cor 6:9) This proves that the scheme or habit of paying homage to women is not of God, but from the great enemy of God. It is a veneer of being a proper thing, and therefore is more subtle than otherwise.” His opinion on Mother’s Day is as follows: “The so called ‘Mothers Day’ was observed in America first in 1914, the very year that Satan’s world ended and when he knew his time was short to get ready for the great battle of Armageddon. To induce people to bestow honor and worship upon mothers would be one step towards turning the people away from the worship of God, and this is one of his means of preparing Armageddon…On the face of it the arrangement of Mothers Day seems harmless and calculated to do good. But the people are in ignorance of Satan’s subtle hand in the matter, and that he is back of the movement, to turn the people away from God. The slogan is: “The best mother who ever lived”; the purpose being to establish creature worship, or at least to divert the attention of man from the proper worship of God.”
    You know I haven’t found him denouncing ‘Fathers day’ anywhere! Hmmmm?

    "The best way to convince a fool that he is wrong, is to let him have his own way."---Josh Billings

  • VM44

    hi Ven,

    Those words of Rutherford really show him as a plain lunatic.

    by the way, I have been looking for a copy of White's book "A People for
    His Name," for a long time. Where did you find your copy?


  • Black Man
    Black Man


  • mindfield

    I'd like to come back, if I may, on FredHall's statement that he would have smuggled alcohol if he had lived in past times.

    Are you kidding us, Fred? Come on. Smuggling alcohol? I hope you're not serious, since that wouldn't speak too highly of your so-called Christian, God-fearing qualities. There's a difference between smuggling your literature in Nazi camps and smuggling alcohol just for the high it provides. Geez.

  • Earnest


    Thank you for your post which reflects some of my own conclusions – that the WTS is in the degenerate stage to which W. P. Brown refers. My own view is that Jehovah has always used people who were at the right place at the right time to accomplish his purpose and this is equally true of JWs and other movements in modern times. I found especially interesting your argument that Rutherford has shaped and continues to shape the WTS. It is certainly true that there seems to be a lack of the vision that existed in the past and this may be because “men of vision were weeded out” or it may simply be that we live in different times…it is difficult to think of any leaders with vision since JFK (except Mandela).

    But while I have read allegations about Rutherford's problems with alcohol this is the first I've heard of adultery. I do not dismiss it entirely without considering the evidence but I would have thought his critics would have publicised it at the time if it was known, just as they publicised innuendos at Russell's divorce case. I respect the argumentation and documentation you provide in your contributions but I think in this instance you have detracted from your main argument (which is sound) with hyperbole (which is not).


    Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun the frumious Bandersnatch!” – Rev. Charles Dodgson

  • one


    autopilots use very stable reference signals for tracking
    or guiding

    If their main reference signal is 2520, 1914 etc, they may run out of fuel before arriving to destination

  • Satanus


    Maybe fredhall is thinking of bringing rutherfords booze down from canada. It's working for the same org he is now.


  • dungbeetle

    Nothing like lost opportunities regained.

    1) About YOUdon'tKNOW'S remark >That was also the exact situation the apostles found themselves in. They had imagined that the kingdom was going to be an earthly re-establishment of David's throne in Jerusalem. They were wrong. Apparently, even when they went out to preach that the kingdom had drawn near, they had that misconception that Jesus let remain until afeter his resurrection, when he finally enlightened them.<

    Jesus did no such a Da**med thing!! "I used to live in Heaven. Then I came down here. I am going back to heaven again, and I will prepare a place for you and get you and take you there with me. Oh--and I don't get to chose who comes and where you live---only my Father does"

    What is there not to understand here? Okay, everybody with me now...

    I used to live in heav--en
    Now I live he-er.
    Soon I go back to heav--en,
    And I'll be living th-ere.

    I go to pre-pare a place for you,
    Then I come back and ge-et you.
    And I don't get to ch-ose you;
    That only the Father can do.

    I'm one of the staunchest Bible defenders on this board, but there are days when I cannot find enough patience with these first-century Christians. Either Jesus deliberately choose his disciples from among the dumbest and densest (and certainly most dysfunctional) or they were constantly drinking too much of that wine. What is there not to understand about this little ditty?

    2)About FREDHALLmoron's remark: >Rutherford had nothing to hide. If Moyle ask Van Amburgh, Wise, and the Sullivans that Rutherford gave them booze they would said "yes." Rutherford didn't need no cronies to defend him at the Board of Directors meeting. Rutherford defend himself and it was to bad that Moyle couldn't. < >In this decade some fools like you are going to prove that Rutherford was a drunkard<

    And YOUdon'tKNOW's remark: >No doubt the reason the slanderers start speading that male bovine manure so thickly years after the man died is because the people that knew him best are all long gone, so anyone can basically make up anything they want. Like I said, if he would have really been that notorious, as you say, his enemies would not have waited for over a half century. They would have exposed him long ago.<

    No, it is not slander or lies or rumor, neither did they wait until fifty years after his death and his friends were all gone etc. etc. I won't make a long quote here, Olin Moyle accused Rutherford of all those things, and you'll notice that first of all Rutherford, tho denying it, didn't go to court to clear his name. He instead slandered Olin Mayle. Who promoptly went to court and WON. TWICE. Everybody with me now...

    Olin Moyle WON. TWICE. The Watchtower, bragging about being in subjection to the governemtal authories (which only fooled Hitler for a half a second, to the sorrow of 10,000 German JW's)finally forked over the money with the same spirit of demonic grudginess that Rutherford did when HE lost a 9,000 suit.

    That's out history and religious hypocrisy lesson, littel boys and girls.

    I love this retro-thread stuff. NEXT PLEASE!!!

    UADNA-US (Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America-United States)

  • AlanF

    Hello Earnest,

    : My own view is that Jehovah has always used people who were at the right place at the right time to accomplish his purpose and this is equally true of JWs and other movements in modern times.

    Interesting, and I understand your view completely. My own view is that people who want to believe in a God that is controlling things generally ascribe far more than is advisable to the workings of their God.

    : I found especially interesting your argument that Rutherford has shaped and continues to shape the WTS. It is certainly true that there seems to be a lack of the vision that existed in the past and this may be because "men of vision were weeded out" or it may simply be that we live in different times...it is difficult to think of any leaders with vision since JFK (except Mandela).

    A good point about political leaders. However, the men ruling the WTS today are of the same generation as some of the great political leaders of the 20th century. They were trained by the previous generation -- in particular, Rutherford. Because Rutherford brooked no dissent, and according to the 1961 JW book Let Your Name Be Sanctified there was an explicit "passing of the mantle" of power just before Rutherford died from him to Knorr and Franz, the latter two men inherited Rutherford's intolerance. This intolerance of variant opinions has especially characterized the JW organization since the 1940s, and has been particularly evident since 1980. Various people I've talked to who have left Bethel over the years are unanimous that the men who today run the everyday business of the Society are purely yes-men. The older Governing Body men were Rutherford's and Franz's and Knorr's yes-men at one time, but enough time has passed that they march to their own drummers somewhat, but still mainly act in line with their training. The younger GB men largely just bow down to the older, so far as I've been informed. So these days we have almost exclusively either ancient and intellectually ossified GB members, or GB members largely subservient to the older guys, or non-anointed who actually run the day-to-day business of the Society but have been stripped of vision and imagination by long years of subservience to "God's anointed" and have been stripped of conscience by their constantly having to implement decisions they know are morally wrong. These latter men can only react to new situations, rather than anticipating them. That is why the JW organization today is almost purely reactive in character -- it reacts to outside events rather than anticipating them. This situation, probably more than anything else, proves that the JW organization is no more divinely directed than The Rolling Stones are. And showing that is one of my main purposes in posting on forums like this.

    : But while I have read allegations about Rutherford's problems with alcohol this is the first I've heard of adultery. I do not dismiss it entirely without considering the evidence but I would have thought his critics would have publicised it at the time if it was known, just as they publicised innuendos at Russell's divorce case. I respect the argumentation and documentation you provide in your contributions but I think in this instance you have detracted from your main argument (which is sound) with hyperbole (which is not).

    Again I understand exactly what you're saying. However, I'm faced with the problem of what to do with the information I've been given about Rutherford's adultery. Because I've received it in private conversations, as I've written, I cannot document it. Should I then forget it? Some people might, but I think that posting the allegations for public consumption can be valuable in that it might strike home with the right person who can provide better documentation. Until then, the best I can do is to relay the information I've been given and let readers decide for themselves whether my sources are credible or not.

    Do keep in mind that every reader is free to check with the Watchtower Society about any and all of these things. If the Society believes that certain allegations are false, they can say so and the inquirer can ask for their reasons for saying so. Obviously the contrary holds true. The interesting scenario would be for a relatively loyal JW to call Bethel and see if he or she can get a straight answer from Bethel about these allegations. My guess is that the allegations would not be explicitly denied, but that all sorts of excuses as to why the questioner ought to quit questioning would be given. Thus no clear, public answer would be given, although "Bethel insiders" would certainly know the truth.

    As for specific allegations of Rutherford's adultery, as I have posted, forthcoming books will give much better documentation than I can, for reasons I've explained earlier in this thread. I suspect that part of the reason these allegations were not given publicity long ago is that they are so sordid by the standards of the time (the late 1920s) that the Bible Students who left Rutherford's organization at the time preferred to let the matter rest and go on with their own business. Those who left in the late 1920s, such as the Buffalo, New York, Bible Students group, were not nearly as aggressive in publicizing their views as were earlier splinter groups. Remember that today the various Bible Students and related groups are not exactly well known.

    Given the above, I don't think that my comments about Rutherford's excesses are hyperbole at all, but are simply a relaying of information from various sources that I find credible. The reader is free to make his own decision and to criticize my sources, which various posters have done.

    At any rate, I'm glad that we agree on my main thesis.

    FYI, since a good deal of what I've stated in this thread is based on conversations I've had with many people for a decade, by its very nature it isn't documentable. Some of the people are unwilling to speak publicly for fear of retribution from the Society, some no longer care enough to make the effort, and some I've lost track of.


  • Earnest


    Thank you for so extensive a reply to the issues that I raised. As the contention that God has used and/or is using JWs is relevant to your thread I would like to expand on my somewhat ambivalent beliefs regarding the extent to which God is controlling things.

    You say believers "in a God that is controlling things generally ascribe far more than is advisable to the workings of their God". An objective look at history in the past 1900 years would suggest that God has not directly intervened in man's affairs since the resurrection of Jesus. It is quite easy to see the cause and effect of the Reformation and it is purely the eyes of faith that will conclude that God had a part in it. The same goes for the rise of Adventism in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. It can all be explained sociologically and there is no objective evidence it was inspired of God. That is the historian in me speaking. On the other hand, Jesus spoke clearly about God's concern for each one of us even counting the hairs on our heads. He is aware even of a sparrow that dies. In Israel of old it seems that everything that happened was directly instigated by God. If a woman became pregnant it was God's will. If she was barren it was a punishment by God. If there was a drought or a flood or any catastrophe it was specifically intended by God and was only relieved when he determined to do so. Well...do we just conclude that Jesus was using hyperbole ? And that the God of the OT was a tribal God worshipped by primitive people who had no clue about sperm counts and barometric pressure. If we attribute inspiration to the Bible do we pick and choose which parts God wants us to believe is true ? I do not know. I know enough not to be dogmatic but that is about all. But the believer in me inclines to see a pattern in the increasing availability and spread of the good news from the time of the early Christians till now and to conclude there has been a speeding up in my lifetime. And I do think JWs have been used in this respect although I reject the exclusivity they claim.

    I quite accept that you are convinced by what you have seen and heard of Rutherford's alleged conduct but will have to wait for publication before reaching conclusions myself. However, I do think it is slightly disingenuous to suggest we are free to check with the Watchtower Society about any and all of these things. At the time that Raymond Franz was expelled from Bethel I was profoundly disturbed by events and corresponded with both RF and WTS to try to reconcile what I read and heard with what I believed. I was completely stonewalled by the WTS and there is no reason to suppose they would be more forthcoming about Rutherford's alleged peccadillos.


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