You Have Got To Read This ! Comments Please?

by Big Jim 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Big Jim
    Big Jim

    by David Icke

    It's amazing how everything fits together in the world of the Illuminati if you are prepared to dig deep enough.

    The people and organisations who attack and abuse each other in public, or appear to be in competition, turn out over and over to be different masks on the same face. Take the Mormons and the Jehovah's Witnesses (if we must).

    We are told they are different organisations which stand for different "beliefs" and the followers of both would be aghast at the thought that they could be connected in any way. But then the mass of unthinking followers in any religion are merely the fodder and the screen behind which the real business goes on.

    The founders of both "faiths", the Mormons and JWs, were of the Illuminati bloodline. Charles Taze Russell, who founded the Watchtower Society (JWs), was of the Illuminati Russell bloodline, which also founded the infamous Skull and Bones Society at Yale University. Charles Taze Russell was a Satanist, a paedophile according to his wife, and a friend of the Rothschilds. Indeed it was the Rothschilds who funded the Jehovah's Witness operation into being, along with other Illuminati bankers, through "contributions" by organisations like the Rothschild-controlled B'nai B'rith. This was proved in a court of law in 1922. One of the key people involved in this was Frank Goldman who later became President of B'nai B'rith. Why would an organisation set up (in theory) to help Jewish people and promote the Jewish faith, be funding into existence the Jehovah's Witnesses?? I think the name Rothschild answers the question. Russell was also a high degree Freemason and Knights Templar. He promoted Zionism, another Rothschild creation (see Was Hitler a Rothschild), on behalf of his friends and backers.

    Joseph Smith, along with Hiram Smith and Brigham Young, were the key figures behind the creation of the Mormon religion. They were of the elite of the elite Illuminati bloodline, the Merovingian or "Holy Grail" line, and were all high degree Freemasons. They were also Satanists and formed their "church" as a front for Satanic activity which very much still goes on today. Why wouldn't it, that is what it is there for. The Mormon empire was funded into existence by the Rothschilds through their Kuhn, Loeb, bank which also funded the Russian Revolution and Adolf Hitler, and yet again B'nai Brith, the Rothschild intelligence arm and defamer of genuine researchers, was involved.

    Notice any similarities between the last two paragraphs??

    Again the followers of these mind control cults would be shocked to think that the upper levels of these "religions" would engage in Satanic activity and human sacrifice of children, but it is about time they knew.

    Russell's family was formerly known as Roessel and went to Scotland from Germany. Of course, Germany is a massive occult centre, from which the Rothschilds emerged, and Scotland is one of the key areas of the world for Illuminati bloodlines. From the start, Charles Taze Russell used his new Watchtower Society, based at Bethel, Brooklyn, New York, as a front for black magic, or Enochian magic as his brand of Satanism was called. He put the flying Sun disk on the front of his books, an ancient Illuminati symbol going back to Egypt and Babylon. The Watchtower magazine has always been a mass of subliminal and less subliminal occult symbolism and the very name, Watchtower, is part of Illuminati and Freemasonic legend and code. To them watchtowers are areas of the "magical universe". The unseen realms. Russell was buried under a pyramid in the United States after being ritually killed on Halloween 1917. These leading Satanists of the Illuminati are ritually killed when their time comes in line with their obsession with ritual. To them, everything is ritual. Again and again the Jehovah's Witness church is named by survivors of trauma-based mind control as being involved in these unspeakable mind control projects.

    The Mormons were also created as a front for Satanism and, like the Watchtower Society, Enochian magic.When I spoke in Salt Lake City near to the Mormon Temple, I came across the fascinating book by William J. Schnoebelen called Mormonism's Temple of Doom. Schnoebelen was initiated into the Wicca religion, then into Freemasonry, before going through the Mormon initiation in the Salt Lake temple. He shows in great detail that all three initiations were the same. The same oaths, secret handshakes, and garb. Of course they are. We are looking at one face here hidden by many masks. The Salt Lake temple is covered with Illuminati symbols, like the All Seeing Eye, and it is built with granite, a rock which has been used throughout the ages for temples on earth power centres and for esoteric initiation. The Mormons also use the bee symbol, a classic symbol of the Merovingian bloodine which people like the author, Sir Laurence Gardner, want to kid us goes back to "Jesus" when in fact it is the "Holy Grail" bloodline of the Illuminati, the "purest" reptilian line. Joseph Smith carried a dove medallion given to him by an English masonic lodge. The dove is Illuminati symbolism for Queen Semiramis, the female deity in their Babylonian trinity. The Mormon Church, like the Watchtower Society, is also a front for trauma-based mind control. Many survivors have told of their horrific torture in Salt Lake City in Mormon buildings and centres. The Mormon genealogy operation is also a front behind which the Illuminati keep track of the reptilian bloodline, who has it to a "pure" enough level and who has not.

    You won't be surprised to know, therefore, that the Mormons and the Jehovah's Witnesses are the same organisation at the top level where the Elders of the Mormons and the leaders of the Watchtower Society operate a very different agenda to the one their followers believe. But what chance have you got of knowing what is happening within your "church" when you refuse to think or question? "Have faith", the mantra of these religious con-men through the ages, really means "Don't think and don't question." I was taken around the Mormon temple site (not the temple which is only for initiates) by two lovely girls from Thailand and Hong Kong. They had worked their asses off for years to pay their own fare to America and to pay for their own accommodation and living expenses for the privilege of serving this unbelievably wealthy organisation, as "guides" (recruiters) for the faith. On the way round, I asked them what they thought the significance was of the founders of the Mormon church all being high degree Freemasons. They looked at each other for a moment in bewilderment and then one said: "What's Freemasonry?"

    And a few can't control the world??

    I want to give people the opportunity here to tell their stories about the Mormons and the Jehovah's Witnesses - and any other religious fronts - both to expose what is happening and to give people still in those "faiths" the chance to see what is really going on around them. If you want to contribute your experiences on these subjects please sent them to this website and we will start a new archive if there is a big enough response. You may have seen two contributions about the Watchtower society already.

    Have faith!

  • funkyderek

    You know David Icke also believes the world is ruled by reptiles, right?

    Ubi dubium ibi libertas

  • mikepence

    Hello all. Long time no post. Life is good. Kudos on this board, it is much better than that Other Board with its Fucked Up Participation Policy thing.

    This Ickes guy is a quack. I think I heard Rush Limbaugh quote him once. Maybe that was some White house guy, Harold Ickes.

    Anyway, check out these sites:

    Peace and love and yicki d'oh!,
    Mike Pence

  • Englishman

    "You take the blue pill and the story ends. You wake in your bed and you believe whatever you want to believe."

    "You take the red pill and you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes."

    Non too original, is he?

    Take a peek at:

    He claims to gave been a professional soccer player once, I just remember him as a TV sports commentator. He also hails from the same city as our own Logical does!


    ..... fanaticism masquerading beneath a cloak of reasoned logic.

  • Duncan

    Hi E,

    He claims to gave been a professional soccer player once

    Played in goal for Coventry City, I believe.


  • mikepence

    Ah...he is British!

    Say no more!


  • Jang


    Kudos on this board, it is much better than that Other Board with its Fucked Up Participation Policy thing.

    Mike, the other board doesn't have that FPP any more. You must keep up with the 'new light' brother otherwise you will be left behind

    The other board is merely supervised like this one to ensure that some idiot doesn't post porn.

    CAIC Website:
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  • Free2Bme

    Re; David Icke
    A lot of the stuff I have read by this man is too mind-boggling to comprehend.
    BUT some of it is frighteningly real and believable.
    As for Icke being English he is only one of many individuals worldwide who research conspiracy theories and campaign for freedom of belief and speech. He also puts his life at risk year in year out for his cause.
    On the subject of Icke alleging that we are being covertly ruled by a reptilian race he does state in one of his books that you could replace reptiles with the word DEMONS. Looking at the idea from this prospective is quite interesting. After all were we not taught as JW's that Satan and his demons are ruling this world? (I once read a book about a lady who was possessed by demons and described them as transforming themselves into very attractive human form then at other times extremely repulsive LIZARD-like creatures.)
    His stuff on JW's and Mormons I have only seen briefly and don't know if I fully understand so until more evidence is unearthed...
    Trouble is on this sort of stuff on Freemasonry etc it is virtually impossible to unearth real truth because it is so well protected and organised.
    I kinda like David Icke's spooky stuff but it makes you feel very helpless and without hope. Your whole belief system is challenged and destroyed....a bit like when you realise your religion isn't the truth.


  • Roamingfeline
    Mike, the other board doesn't have that FPP any more. You must keep up with the 'new light' brother otherwise you will be left behind

    The other board is merely supervised like this one to ensure that some idiot doesn't post porn.

    Don't believe that bulldust for a minute, Mike. My first post there was deleted and there wasn't a scrap of porn in it.


  • Jang

    It's intersting RF that your other post hasn't been moved .... which only supports the reason given by M5 that it was not done deliberately.

    If I understand Rick properly he decided to leave the thread in the trash bin which means that your post had to stay there with it ....

    Get over it!

    CAIC Website:
    Personal Webpage:

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