Here is something I do when people start talking "paranormal" to me.
I stop them and simply ask them to give me a clear definition of the inevitible words they use.
Take the word "energy" for instance. Not one person in 100 has a clue what the definition of that word is. But, does it stop them from using the word? No. Energy is a rubber word. It can be stretched any way you want it. Even physics teachers will blather away like they know what energy is. Read the definition and you'll quickly see how silly it is:
The capacity for doing work as measured by the capability of doing work (potential energy) or the conversion of this capability to motion (kinetic energy).
If you think this is clear I have to wonder about you. Energy ends up being particles in motion and nothing more. Heat is particle motion, for example.
Psychic "energy" is the movement of what particles? Psychic particles? Give me a break.
A "potential" is not an actual. Potential energy is not energy until it is no longer potential! So, that nonsense won't get you very far if you are explaining the paranormal.
"Vibrations" "aura" and words like that are fanciful mental constructs that mean absolutely nothing. What exactly is vibrating? Color is electromagnetic waves of a certain magnitude which register sensation on the back of the eye. Such waves can be detected with equipment. The fact that these auras are never detected is mighty suspicious.
"Past Lives" is another pain in the butt. I hear women all the time telling each other that they probably "knew him in a past life". Purportedly this "explains" why attractions and repulsions happen between certain men and women. However, it doesn't. It merely postpones the explanation.
I don't blame anybody for wanting a more interesting life filled with wonder and awe and mystery. But, that is what movies are for and good books. Life is actually pretty much exactly what it is.
James Randi and his foundation offer the million dollars for a very good reason. Randi would love to discover any unknown powers that may exist outside of known science. But, in his own words, he tells us over and over that most psychic manifestations are witnessed by sincere people who actually believe what they encounter and don't have the understanding to explain. An exciting story goes far in giving an ordinary person a thrilling story to tell for the rest of their lives.