Reality in itself is what comes into question in topics like this. Psychologically speaking some people believe what they want to believe and that desire to "want" to believe, will determine their own level of reality. The human mind is easily manipulated, not only by someone else, but also by the person themselves. If you think you saw a ghost, and you have set your mind up to believe you saw a ghost, then chances are, you will convince yourself you did, and believe you saw one. Was it actually there? Science says no and personally I tend to agree with science over personal testimony.
Take the Salem Witch Trials and the testimony of those at the time who claimed young girls were possessed by the devil and acted very strange. They had convolutions, visions, heard voices and witnessed strange things that at the time was only seen as super natural phenomenon. Even the medical professionals of the time said their actions and visions were due to paranormal "demon" influence.
They all chose to believe what they wanted to believe and it became their reality. Science has proven that all the young girls probably did indeed see and experience what they said they saw and experienced. Not because of demons, the devil, witchcraft or the paranormal, but instead because of the same exact reason earlier witch trials in Europe were held. That reason was traced to ergot poisoning which is proven to give all the same exact reactions, convolutions, visions, etc., as was described in the witch trials as experienced by the young girls, a few older women, and a few men that were on trial and later executed for witchcraft.
In the human mind hallucinations are as real to you as an actual experience and played out using the same blob of electrochemical gray matter that tells you what is real and what is not. Ergot has the same exact level of hallucinogenic chemicals as LSD has. LSD is manufactured and ergot comes from a fungus mold that grows on rye. The earth is full of things that can momentarily tweak a persons mind whether it be electromagnetic or chemical and turn something that is not there, into something some will swear existed.
Was it real, or was it only real in your mind?