(to avoid misssunderstanding) Those are not councels of course :
... I'm only answering the question about what "I" am doing
First of I'm a very bad sleeper 3 to 7 hours generally and most often in two sequences, unless I'm very relaxed nor very tired but not too much tired or electric (but I can or I'm able to sleep at anytime during the day, when I feel that it is the moment or that I'm very bored ...)
The best for me is to smoke pot (not weed in this case cause weed got my brain in fusion, it get's me more than awake but in the clouds when I haven't something serious to think about ... when pot just got me relaxed and very, very, very lazy and can get me falling assleep at any time).
When I haven't any if there is alcool, it can help (but I'm not a fan, of that, unless it's a kind of sweet alcool, but then it become dangerous, so when I have sweet alcool here I find a way to share it quickly with anyone).
For some reasons related to the past, I don't use pills (I've eat them all - 2 boxes of different pills !!! - Just because I really needed to sleep and could not get there - and the fireman and the docs thought that I wanted to kill myself - the thing is that it was not my intention AT ALL at least I honestly didn't think about getting there AT ALL), but exceptionnally I got some - but do not buy any, most of the time when I took pills it was because somebody gave me one or two.
and to waiting to getting asleep, I just read whateverI want, listen to music, watch TV or get into litle housejob by little touches ...