The evolution of an exjw

by Marilyn 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • DannyBear


    It is really strange that almost without exception, including my parents who served at Bethel in the early days, everyone I know that has left Bethel, has little if anything 'good' to say about the experience.

    In fact the exact opposite, an old high school buddy and pioneer partner, spent a couple of years helping with new construction in the late 60's early 70's, Tom would usually be very open about things, but when I visited him around 1972, several years after his stint, he was very criptic and almost sullen when the subject came up. All that I can remember him saying was, "It was just to political for me"...knowing Tom, a very down to earth, really sharp wit and humor..this was tantamount and as close to a complete rejection of the place, as he could express.

    Very few positive words from my family member's who served there as well.

    I understand about the 'concept' of a brotherhood/paradise being in your bones. Suppose that is why, so many of us enjoy joining clubs,, we all show by our presence, a need for that elusive idea of camaraderie. We want and need to be accepted by each other.


  • Marilyn

    ::::::::::::::::: Witnesses have a vested interest in being correct. Most have invested, or we might say
    gambled, the very essence of their lives, that is their time in the concept of being delivered
    from their misery either now or at a later date.

    Joel, I know this. It's a combination of being conned into believing it, and knowing it's true because you were able to see it when everyone around you couldn't. How special are you then? The course is set and you follow your nose after that.

    I thought your comments were interesting that you'd still be at Bethel and celebate today, if it wasn't for the elders. They are the opposite of what they claim to be aren't they?


  • Flip
    But if you tell a Witness about the numerous dates that JWs have wrongly predicted stuff, they quickly dismisses it and even worse, they become suspicious of how you know such things.

    Hi Mar!

    The reason for this classic response by Jehovah’s Witnesses, is less than cosmic.

    Where else can an indistinguishable person who trims your trees and drives a beat up truck, buy a suit for the equivalent of an ounce of gold and wear it as a pre-requisite to associating with a like minded group who have been told “they” are the Chosen People who have been favored over all the other nations on earth.

    Seems like a reasonable price, for a garden-variety tree trimmer to pay for both immediate self-validation and immortality.

    Why would any likewise “thinking” Jehovah's Witness want to threaten their "hard earned" fantasy of physical and spiritual segregation through alternative informational discovery?


  • joelbear


    Thanks for your comments.

    Yes, they are the opposite of at least what the bible seems to indicate that Christ's followers would be like. There are numerous scriptures when point to the value of the individual to god and/or christ.

    The organization is much more focused on the supposed health of the whole group. I was kicked out of Bethel for potential behavior. I had already been told that masturbation itself was not a dismissal offense. So, beyond lusting in my heart, I was guilty of nothing.

    Unfortunately for the society, they have underestimated the impact of adversely affecting so many individuals over the years. They have created a large group of people who have been hurt and as the expression goes "paybacks are hell".



  • Marilyn

    ::::::::::Where else can an indistinguishable person who trims your trees and drives a beat up truck, buy a suit for the equivalent of an ounce of gold and wear it as a pre-requisite to associating with a like minded group....

    Flip, This is a sterotype we all know WELL. You're a funny guy!! However, can you explain to me why some educated, happy, comfortably off people bother (and not born into it either)?

    My theory is they were in the wrong place at the wrong time!!


  • Marilyn

    Hi Joebear, Have you ever head of John Shelby Spong, a retired American Episcopalian bishop? Look out for him. He's currently touring Australia - and us Aussies are eating him up (loving him). I saw an interview with him last night. His comments about the churche's attitude to many things are riviting. He is particularly down on intolerance of gay people. He looks very conservative, but that's where his conservatism ends. His thoughts about traditional religion are spell binding. I have been out of the Org. for 20 yrs and have settled on athiesm for want of something better. Spong may not convince me that there is a God, but his perception of God appears mostly to involve love, tolerance, and caring. How can I not believe in those things? I don't do him justice in my feable attempt to explain his wisdom. :-(


  • DannyBear

    Hello again Marylin,

    ***I have been out of the Org. for 20 yrs and have settled on athiesm for want of something better. Spong may not convince me that there is a God, but his perception of God appears mostly to involve love, tolerance, and caring.***

    Love, tolerance, and is an unfortunate fact, that the championing of these human qualities, fall mainly on the so-called religious.

    It is interesting to note poster's like six of 7= Dave, Uncle B, and a few other's who's declared leaning's are toward non-christian, asian philosophy...are vocal supporter's of these qualities. That is a personal observation...comparing it to the often loud and obnoxious museings of Christian's, or those who proclaim themselves as athiests.


  • Flip
    However, can you explain to me why some educated, happy, comfortably off people bother (and not born into it either)?

    Hi Mar,

    Of course, there are as many reasons as there are people why some “choose” to become Jehovah’s Witnesses, but appearances can be deceiving.

    Some attracted to the WTBTS may not actually be as educated, happy and comfortable as they appear, or may feel some personal inadequacy that they themselves or the casual observer is unaware of. Everyone, and I mean everyone is in his or her own personal state of growth.

    I firmly believe, those you would think, who should know better are influenced by the strong social stimulus or dynamic of the WTBTS more so than any documented evidence of WTBTS falsehoods that can be brought to bear by others, religious or otherwise, at the beginning of their personal experiment, associating with the WTBTS.

    At the expense of logic and fact, many are looking to fill a void or something lacking within, such as friendship, status and/or achievement through volunteerism, etc.

    As for the really disingenuous, looking for a way to take advantage of someone or a group for their own personal gratification, yet have the cunning ability to continue to be perceived as innocuously popular within the organization, not necessarily always the WTBTS hierarchy either.

    Those who financially control the WTBTS know exactly what the loyal consumer (Jehovah’s Witness) wants, and it gives him or her their own group validated fantasy in spades.

    In return you the consumer (Jehovah’s Witness) is “asked” to provide virtually free labor, buy (donate) their products (publications and conventions), and will your estate to the “planning desk” when you die.

    Unless, eventually one comes to their senses sooner and realizes that the facts of documented WTBTS ineptitude and self-serving wrongdoing out weigh the dwindling personal gratification and increasing cognitive dissonance the individual experiences while in association with the WTBTS corporation.


  • ozziepost

    G'day Marilyn,

    Enjoyed reading your posts on this thread, but I must ask, What's wrong with "an ugly old bald guy" ? I'm still keeping Mrs Ozzie happy,..... I think!


    "So often, the unpolished
    the disjointed
    Is on its way to the truth
    Ahead of the finished
    the polished."

    Ken Walsh, Sometimes I Weep

  • Marilyn

    :::::::::::::::As for the really disingenuous, looking for a way to take advantage of someone or a group for
    their own personal gratification, yet have the cunning ability to continue to be perceived as
    innocuously popular within the organization, not necessarily always the WTBTS hierarchy

    Flip, Have you met my brother-in-law????


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