Yes, it's finally happened. LG has built a refrigerator with a small TV screen integrated into the door panel. Neat idea... but I wonder if it will sell?
Cool Technology - would you buy one?
by Scully 25 Replies latest jw friends
It's a bad idea. I would miss parts of my favorite programs every time I wanted to fill my face.
Walter -
Well, the walk to the fridge during commercials would be a lot shorter... LOL
Happy Guy :)
I saw it and concluded it would be useless for me. My refrigerator is in a position where you would have to watch it either standing up or from an extreme angle if sitting down. I guess it could serve a purpose if I was trying to cook and watch TV at the same time but I don't have any TV addictions and if I ever get into a series that I like then I just record it and watch at a time of my choosing.
Really slick... but I'm not willing to pay an extra $1000 for a TV. Those things run about $2500 to $2900
tsk tsk tsk.. all the poor poor people in the world that cant afford food.. and rich people are putting tv's on fridges... tsk tsk tsk
(ooo i want one! i could cook and peel taters and watch walker texas ranger reruns)
why, why, why, why, why ?!
Why would anyone want a TV built into their fridge?
Maybe some obese TV addict can just stick a chair in front of it and have everything they need.
It would be more useful if the TV were INSIDE the fridge. Then I could just pull up a chair, gorge myself, and watch TV without interruption.
Walter -
Gives new meaning to "TV dinner"...but no I think I will pass on this one....
It's backwards. No one needs a big refrigerator with a small TV in it. What we need is a big TV with a small refrigerator in it. That would be useful.