My Grandmother hasn't even been put to rest yet and already, my mother starts with "You know that Grandma's greatest wish was for you to get reinstated."
Then, one of my siblings tells me that another of my siblings not only said she wouldn't come to Grandma's memorial if I went but also that sibling who called me should not still be talking to me; even though I called her to tell her that Grandma died.
I am facing the fact that my family may not even give me details of the memorial directly because they won't want me to go. I don't know if I want to go to another funeral that is really just a commercial for the WTS instead of talking about the person who is gone at all. I will find out when it is because my parents will tell me (other family is planning it) but I don't know what to do. A dear exJW friend called and told me that if I go, she'd go with me. If we walked into a Hall together my elder's wife "perfect" sister might keel over in her chair.
I knew that the talk of how badly Grandma wanted me reinstated would come. I didn't think it would happen so quick. When JW's see someone at a weak moment, they really know how to twist the knife, don't they? I know that she loved me even though I left "the truth" but I also know that it was a huge disappointement to her that I hadn't gone back. That has been the hardest part of leaving.
The scary part was for a moment, I wondered what it would take. Then I came out of my grief induced delusion and realized that they'd never reinstate me. Because I could not sit in a room with those men and declare that I believe the organization is speaking for God. Hell, I"d likely tell them that I'm not even sure if I believe in god at all anymore and that wouldn't get me very far...would it?
thanks for listening. I've been having terrible panic attacks the past 24 hours, dear husband stayed home to be with me because I was so freaked out last night at the thought of them cremating my grandma (not that I wanted them to bury her either, I don't like either option. I just want her to come home :(
I hope that I can get some sleep tonight. I still can't believe this is happening.