A toad was at the edge of a very swift river, and he could not swim. A scorpian approaches him and said, "I'm a very good swimmer. Jump on my back and I'll take you across the river."
The toad replies, "You are a scorpian! You will sting me to death and eat me."
The scorpian said, "No I won't. Trust me. I just want to help get you across the river."
After some discussion, the scorpian convinced the toad he would not harm him and the toad jumps on the scorpian's back. The scorpian immediately stings him. As he lay dying, the toad said, "You promised me you wouldn't sting me," to which the scorpian replied, "You silly little toad! I'm a scorpian. THAT'S what I do!"
A dub is laying on his deathbed and says to his dub master, "Master, when I was little you PROMISED me I would never die and now over EIGHTY years later I'm dying. The dub Master replied, "You silly little dubbie! I'm a religious leader. THAT's what I do!"
There is a moral here. Figure it out.