A Witch Told my Friend he would Die... (serious thread - opinions)

by Confucious 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Confucious

    Hey guys,

    One of my closest friends told me that when he was 15, he went to get his palm read by a witch.

    She told him that he would be dead by the time he was 35.

    He's 30 now, but he said that he believed her because she predicted something else bad and it came true.

    I guess on the good side, he said that "that's why I always did as much as I could." And I guess that's a good thing.

    I was kind of at a loss for words...


  • teejay

    Two choices:

    1. Believe what the old hag said and enjoy the last five years of your life.

    2. Don't believe the old hag and make plans for a long and happy life and then work your ass off to reach it
    Simple as that.
  • El blanko
    El blanko


    This person (witch?) is ascribing an ability to him or herself that they do not possess. No man or woman can accurately predict the death of another.

    I have known two people who were told similar tales of their demise. One by a Tarot reader and the other by a medium.

    The one guy should have been dead 18 years ago in a motorcycle accident and a lady I know of was not meant to make it past 65, guess what, they are both still alive.

    I believe in supernatural events and I also believe in invisible (to our eyes) entities, but I do not believe in this charlatan.

    Tell your friend to try ignore this persons spell over him and I wish him well.

  • kwintestal

    My mother-in-law was told that our daughter was going to be a son.

    I wouldn't put too much confidence in them.


  • Confucious


    Very well spoken.

    I guess I kind of feel the same way.

    It's just that for so long, EVERY answer was the default WT answer.

    Gawd!!! I have to start learning to think for myself!!!!


  • Elsewhere

    A few years ago I had to make some cutbacks so I called my car insurance company and had them get rid of everything except for liability - the minimum you can have here in Texas.

    After I did that I was so preoccupied with "what if I crash my car" that I started dividing my attention while I was driving. It was just a few days before I totaled my car by hitting an empty car left on side of the road (I had to swerve to avoid hitting a car that stopped quickly).

    I did not know it at the time of the accident, but my comprehensive insurance was still in effect until the end of the month. I was VERY lucky because I was able to get a check from the insurance company to buy another car.

    My point is that I thought about the *potential* problem so much that I actually made it come true!

  • Mulan

    About five years ago, a customer, who operated a magic shop, and read palms, grabbed my cousin's palm, and told her she would live to be a very old woman. Two years later she died of breast cancer.

    Look at it as entertainment, and not prophecy.

  • frenchbabyface

    Actually this follow what Mulan said : He or Anyone could die tomorrow ... So it's more about who you are as a human, than what you do before you die (and the question is : Satisfied or not ? ...) it's not about TIME it's about BEING living any moments good or bad, learn from it and take what you can out of that ...

  • gumby
    My point is that I thought about the *potential* problem so much that I actually made it come true!

    Bingo. This is the problem behind many misfortunes.


  • Country_Woman

    prophecies can seriously inflict your life when you take them serious.

    One of my friends once had her future told: you will have twins and you will die before your 30th birthday.

    she did believe it, but figured; when I don't get childs, I will not die that time either. She never dared to take children...... today it ain't no longer possible.

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