A Witch Told my Friend he would Die... (serious thread - opinions)

by Confucious 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Fleur

    I would recommend that you buy your friend a copy of The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz right away. Read it yourself too if you haven't, I have found that book to be immensely helpful, in fact it's time I read it again.

    He talks about how powerful words of any person can "cast a spell" over anyone who believes it. He says that you can look at a perfectly healthy person and say to them that they will die of cancer and if they believe you, it will happen. I'm way over simplifying how he explains it, I'm not firing on all thrusters right now. Anyway, he talks about how you can hear things that other people try to poison you with (in this case, the 'witch's prediction) and not take them in.

    I think reading the book might help him and I think the others here have given great advice, he can make it a self fulfilling prophecy if he doesn't shed and defy the idea.



  • ConcernedMom

    It's funny, I was just thinking about The Four Agreements while reading another thread about confession--the part about humans replaying old mistakes over and over, without forgiving themselves, letting go and moving on. Regarding prophecies...while I believe there are those with genuine psychic abilites, there are more out there that are oportunists. Even the genuine are certainly not infallible and the very act of making a prediction changes things. If you're told you will be run over by a red truck, you'll be on the lookout for red trucks right? In any case, living your life for TODAY is never a bad thing! --Deb

  • QCA1

    My expereience of mediums over the years have been very positive,when i first ever had a sitting with one i was amazed by what she said that i had to know more of all this,so i was on a mission to find out and 20yrs later i have a wealth of information

    A genuine medium would never tell a person they were going to die,those that go under the guise of mediums and say things like this should be exposed as frauds. A witch is a term used by the church to describe mediums, healers, herbalists,palm readers and the like,anything that swayed people from the teachings of the bible were classed has demonic and called witches, remember the witch hunts and the dark ages,millions of men women and children were slaughtered or burned at the stake when the church went on their murderous rampage.

    Joan of Arc was burnt as a witch because she heard voices.

    My experience was quite unique. Through a medium my dad was reunited with a brother and 3 sisters he never knew he had and 70yrs had gone by,it was his mother who my dad had not seen since he was 3yrs old that gave the information to the medium who passed it on to me during a sitting. We had an emotional reunion 2yrs ago,my dad was given a photo of his mum whom he'd not seen since he was 3yrs and the uncanny thing was i am her walking double.I didn't class this as just entertainment and i certainly don't see it as demonic.

    I suggest investigating this subject with an open mind.


  • Kenneson

    The POWER OF SUGGESTION can be fatal. Adherents to Voodoo often die when a "spell" is put upon them by a conjurer. Is it the spell that kills them or the belief in the spell?

  • BrendaCloutier

    The reality is we are all going to die someday. Maybe even today.

    In Palmistry a short lifeline doesn't necessarily mean a short life.

    My birth mother died when she was 36. Killed in a car accident. When I turned 36 it was heavily on my mind. No, I wasn't sure I was going to die like she did, but it was there none-the-less.

    Hey, I'm still here, 12 years later!

    I aplaud your friend for doing as much as he can in life. I think that is a phylosophy we should all adopt (Free Willy - go to Costa Rica!).

    Confucious, give him a hug from me, and tell him he's a great guy and will be just fine.



  • Mulan
    My birth mother died when she was 36. Killed in a car accident. When I turned 36 it was heavily on my mind. No, I wasn't sure I was going to die like she did, but it was there none-the-less.

    My sister in law died at 36, from childbirth. Her paternal grandmother died, same age, same situation. The grandmother's mother, died same age, also same situation. My sister in law's daughters never had children, although, both are past 36 now, and both are interested in having a baby in their 40's. The fear of dying at age 36, may have been a factor, but those things are just bizarre coincidences that many people fear.

  • confusedjw

    I'd say to him "I'm throwing you a party when you are 36, because I'm sure they can't tell the future - I've been through that before - by the way did she charge you for this information? Yep, I've been through that before as well. See you at the party!"

  • Nocturne
    The POWER OF SUGGESTION can be fatal. Adherents to Voodoo often die when a "spell" is put upon them by a conjurer. Is it the spell that kills them or the belief in the spell?

    Kenneson, that is an excellent point here. Having heard several "stories" of voodoo in my time, all I can say is that most of those stories are hogwash. The mind is indeed a very powerful thing, and can truly affect your perception of things, and can even make certain "events" happen to you if you truly believe it.

  • Preston

    Greetings all, this is Preston's Husband Bruce. I thought this very intresting. Long ago a very good friend of mine family friend saw a fortune teller and said that she could not read his future as he had none. 5 mins after walking out he was killed by a drunk driver.

    A few years later I ran across 2 ladies at the state fair who one claimed that she was the best. I gave her a try and I couldn't even understand a word she said through that half baked accent and what i could get out of it she was full of you know what. The second lady I kid you not looked like she was 16 years old but was in her 40's. She made no claim and read both palms. Without saying a word, she hit everything in my past and present 100% and it was spooky. She even saw a medical problem with me that was not life threating and it would take years and years to find out what the problem was but she said not to give up. The wonderful world of the medical field finaly found out what was wrong with me. My Thyroids. I was so relieved. Again I remembered what she said about my past, present and future not all good not all bad. But all was a lesson to be learned to help me grow as a person and a spiritual being in my own right.

    Those who possess the ability of second sight has a lot to compete with. The first thing is that there are too many windows that open and close with each choice and decision that we make for ourselves, the second is situations and circumstances and outside influences. It doesn't mean that they are not accurate at that moment in time. However, how much they tell you and how it will happen can be changed. The merr thought of someone telling another person when he/she will die may or may not be so true in the later future but at that moment in time perhaps it could be. But what kind of death is she refering to any way. Death doesn't always mean a physical death. It could be the old part of our self (how we thought, how we acted etc.) of us dies off and the new self is born. People constantly change and grow as humanbeings (hopefully) and as spiritual beings in our own right. Think about this. Are we or are we not the same people 10 years ago, 15, 20 and 30 years or more. Think about you life as a child. Doesn't feel like another life time ago? What about 15 years ago? Another life time ago?

    I read some of the other responces and I have to agree with some of the things that were said. First of all people can be very influenced about what they are told and people really want to believe in these things so bad that they create it themselves and giving it life. 2nd, if it doesn't feel right disregard it. We as people have the ability to make changes.

    The future is always changing, always growing always being re-shaped as we grow and change.

    Tell your friend not to take to much at heart of what was said and to creat for himself a new destiney.

    Love and Light,


  • Stefanie
    My sister in law died at 36, from childbirth. Her paternal grandmother died, same age, same situation. The grandmother's mother, died same age, also same situation. My sister in law's daughters never had children, although, both are past 36 now, and both are interested in having a baby in their 40's. The fear of dying at age 36, may have been a factor, but those things are just bizarre coincidences that many people fear


    even if someone could tell me when i was going to die, i dont think i would want to know.

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