Satan said to Jehovah "They only serve you, cos of what they can get out of you" or words to that effect
This is only my opinion but what do you think?
A FEW : I believe serve God cos they love him.
SOME: They want to see someone they love who has died again
A LOT: They have an emotional tie, family friends, social life, pressure from peers.
MOST : Cos they are terrified of armageddon and dying with their children.
ALL OF THEM: Cos they want the new system, where they will have a big house miles away fom any neighbours, have as much food as they want without getting fat. Holiday weather everyday, doing a bit of cultivating ( gardning) All authority gone,they think. No more meetings, field service.
Now this way of thinking is encouraged, the focal point of the truth,
So I wonder how happy is Jehovah when all these witneses are NOT proving Satan a liar