Much like criminals that don't mind being incarcerated a second, or third time many jws don't mind being dfed again, and again.
Hello XQs!
I understand what you are saying, that it is different for life-long JWs, than for those that leave for good. That Dfing doesn't hurt the life-long JWs.
I might agree, but only for what I call 'fake' JWs...ones who don't really believe in the teachings, so they suffer no guilt or pain thinking that Jehovah doesn' hear their prayers in thier DFed state, and things like that. I guess DFing might not hurt them at all.
But true believers suffer. Even true believers who get DFed time and time again. I have seen it.
And I know several people who have been incarcerated several times. It didn't change them and make them stop breaking the law, so in that way it was inneffective. However, it was a painful, unpleasant experience that they did not want to repeat. They do mind going back to jail, they mind very much. Addictions bring them back, however.
DF also does not change some 'weak' JWs so that they stop 'sinning.'
But 'weak' True Believer JWs still suffer each time they are DFed. Maybe worse than the people like my mom! At least she does not see herself as damned to hell cut off from Jehovah with no hope.
To me this just shows that the whole system ineffective AND cruel.