Your not alone, a half dozen people have already identified with you without you 'leaving the house'.
Some suggestions I would be comfortable giving would be
- don't be watching the news
- have some quality time
- look at nature
- go easy on burdens
- you don't have to do anything - don't be told that you need to buy oil
You live in one of the greastest bastions of materialistic, self-righteous fundamentalism ever seen - the secular anglo-christian practice of religion has historic association with the blind haughty control of the "less worthy" and the finest ideals of that may well be your worst nightmare - perhaps what you're asking is "how can I breathe here, and how can I love them?"
Our church is in the surf - a quiet place where I see a few like minded spirits, and we can appreciate the Creator - sometimes we have a symbolic sacrifice backyard barbeque, I'm often the high priest cook and the rest of the family symbolically celebrate the Sabbath take it easy.
When you feel well enough to eat, there's plenty - poor and ill who have been blessed broken and handed out for you - and you'll find lots of people in that church, some who feast don't even appear to have heard of Jesus.