Best counter for "Theocratic Warfare"? "The Art of War"
Back Stabber
by Corvin 30 Replies latest jw friends
remember, this is cyberworld and who you THINK is a noted and respected member of this board is your reality.
lol, we ALL think this person is a noted and respected member of this board . . . if it isn't who I think it is, no harm no fowl.
I have not posted anything I am not prepared to deal with or handle. I have not posted anything that could seriously come back and bite me in the arse too hard. I do things for a reason, not randomly or without thinking.
Corvin, master-baiter
we ALL think this person is a noted and respected member of this board
I think I'm the only noted and respected member on this board.
I think I'm the only noted and respected member on this board.
nuh uh..............
well.................................maybe.........................naw, still me.
You should have titled this one, 'How to keep a turkey in suspense'........(old joke ) :-)
So it was Joy then? :-D
fleaman uk
Seems to me some People can dish it out but cant take it.
You who I am.
Send me a PM or email me if I can do anything for you.
Con -
Corvin, you want to provide some evidence and get on with this? It seems more like speculation more than anything. If you have proof then come on with it, but please don't string people along w/ inuendo and allegations against another poster. Without supporting information you might as well be engaged in gossip or generating paranoia.
District Overbeer