ohhhh goody this is looking like a bar room brawl , now all this pretender has to do is show he or she is not a gutless back biter like so many people I've known in my life by coming out from what ever they are hiding behind and let the bullets fly ..................... bwahahahahaha ( I'm making some popcorn now ) and waiting for the curtain to go up on this one ............
Back Stabber
by Corvin 30 Replies latest jw friends
Big Tex
Corvin, if someone is using this site, or the resources on this site to harass or intimidate you then please let one of the moderators or Simon know and it will be addressed. That sort of conduct will not be tolerated on this board.
If however, this is a matter that has occurred off the board, or in real life then, with all due respect, it might be more productive to deal with it rather than make cryptic remarks.
Tim Horton
Corvin, I've always respected what you have to say. I'm sorry that someone is doing this to you. Tim Horton's wife
<<<<<<<<<<<<< chanting --- flame war flame war flame war flame war .
Corvin, you want to provide some evidence and get on with this? It seems more like speculation more than anything. If you have proof then come on with it, but please don't string people along w/ inuendo and allegations against another poster. Without supporting information you might as well be engaged in gossip or generating paranoia.
Really good point, Valis.
There is a 50% chance it is who I am thinking of, therefore, there is the possibility I could be 100% wrong. I don't believe in coincidences, tho. When I can prove it I will.
Dang, 380 hits on this thread in just over 3 hours! Looks like inquiring minds really want to know!
I hope that everything works out for you, and you and whomever can work out the problems. You are doing so much for your family right now, and I hope that you continue to concentrate on that, instead of what someone might be saying. Keep up the good work!
Happy Guy :)
Do you have a second witness to this Corvin? Either way shouldn't you just leave this matter to Jehovah when Armegeddon comes?
hey Corvin....hope things are going better...
I don't have a lot of trust with people either.....
take care,
I've got such a guilty conscience I'm thinkin it's me and I don't even know what the hell he's talkin about.
Stop trying to punch me Heathen. It's not me. Those bastards won't speak to me since I got "apostate" tatooed on my face.