They basically want you to regular pioneer so you can place more literature and keep the printing presses rolling in Brooklyn, Mill Hill, Selters and Japan - plus other places = thats wah tthey really mean when they talk about acareere - if you do it long enough, eventaully you will be privileged to get interviewed on a circuit assembly platform - if you are a brother there is a good chance you will make elder - and if you are a good spaeker be privileged to give a talk on yess you have guessed it - a circuit assembly program
Careers in the Organisation?
by eyeslice 14 Replies latest jw friends
Tim Horton
Is it just me or does pioneer sound like an ancient word. Maybe they should get with the times. What do you think. Chris
I always thought publisher? and pioneer? were stupid terms in watchtowerland. I always thought pioneers were people who lived in log cabins in the wilderness, ate bears, and wore overalls. I thought publishers were companies authors sent manuscripts to for publication, so they could be printed and sold on bookstore shelves.
Walter -
The problem with wanting a career in Witnessism is that it's all uncontrollable. Uncontrollable and there are no lateral moves possible. For example in another secular career a person can change companies, like from Ford to General Motors. If a climber is stuck in Witnessism, there's no place to go and not much to do except stir the pot. Anyone know any pot stirrers? -
Tim Horton
Is there such a thing? I don't think that the org. knows the meaning of the word actually! panther