A religion with nothing to Celebrate
Of course, that's not what you hear when you are studying! You hear how much fun Witnesses have without celebrating holidays - there are gifts throughout the year, "get-togethers", weddings, etc. No need for holidays here! GAG! In the past 8 years of being a Witness I was invited to a whopping 3 weddings, and can count the number of times we were invited to someone else's place for dinner/a get together on one hand!! My "wordly" family has more get-togethers than that each year, not including the holidays! And the friends we have made in the last year or so have been so much more hospitable and giving than any Witness I have met, inviting us over for supper and housewarming parties, or to the movies, or just to hang out, etc. Even my kids have only been invited to one or two "witness" parties in their lives (6 and 4 years old) - and no one with kids really got together that much. Of course, when I first started studying I was 15/16 and didn't care too much for Christmas and my birthday at the time simply because I don't like to be the centre of attention; so I didn't miss it too much except those are the only times when I get to see relatives that live further away. Now that I have kids, I want to do those things for them, my interest has changed. Birthdays are in, we are going to do something for the coming holidays (not sure what though), and the kids are so excited. The ties holidays have with family are so important to me and Mr. Kwin that we feel they rightly deserve to be celebrated. Life needs to be celebrated!
Mrs. Kwin (on an emotional "high" after bringing the kids home from one of their first birthday parties!!)