I think you are being smart by passing on the house. Why buy the place if paying for it is going to give you an ulcer? This isn't just a financial issue, but a quality of life issue. Beautiful houses and beautiful things are nice, but if they don't give you a feeling of comfort and security, they may not be worth having.
My husband and I would like to buy the house we are currently renting...we have about 18 months to get things in order to do it before our landlord puts it on the open market. Doing what we can to get our things in order etc...I have been told by a few that if we went and tried to buy one of these new houses being built in new developments, we would have a better chance of getting financing sooner. But those houses, while absolutely stunning, are more than we feel comfortable paying for. We would rather play it a little safe with the home purchase. We have too many kids to risk buying something we could lose within a few months if my husband loses his job again.
I wouldn't take an extra job just to get the house, unless that is what you are comfortable with. Me, I would rather have time to enjoy the house, actual be in the house for more than just sleeping in it. What's the point of having a nice house if you cannot have the time to enjoy it?
We do like Top Ramen too...the best cheapo noodle on the market as far as my kids are concerned!