Hi Tata,
I think everyone tries hard to give support and you can read some great advice here. I am currently in conact with a JW fellow in Belgium. The Elders are really putting the screws to him because he questioned the blood policy and did some research in the bible himself about it. Well they removed him as an pioneer and stripped him of privledges in the congregation he valued. I told him reaching out to those outside who are ex-jw will help him. He is struggling with what is truth now. He hasn't read COC, don't think he is ready for that, but he sure is doing some thinking. It is such a shock to find out that the religion is not what it claims to be.
Glad you make it here to join us.
I was a JW for 30 years, raised my sons in it and when I left their Dad and the religion they left with me. They are finding their way.