Fading, but I dont think I can do it

by vitty 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    Some think that "fading" is playing by the WTS rules.

    Well, so is DAing yourself. Why should you have to write a letter disconnecting yourself from the group? That's the WTS rules. I would be better to take out a 1/2 page in the local paper and print your feelings. More people would read it.

    Just think what you want and do what you want giving the normal consideration to the fact that we live amongst other people.

    If your family members only love you because you are a JW...that is something to mull over...do they really love you?

    My fading was quite easy since I had already cut off my JW family because of their abuse. I realized I never really had "friends" either. Especially now that I have found real friends.

    I don't have to lie to anyone because I don't talk to anyone.

    In the end, to thine own self be true.


  • itsallgoodnow

    I've been fading for 1.5 years now, and at first I was really afraid of them (family) finding out. I knew I wasn't ready for that yet, I wasn't strong enough. I've had to work on myself a lot, I had to scare up some emotional and mental strength, knowing I'll need it eventually when my double life collapses or some "worldly" guy big opportunity comes around.

    I knew I would have a real tough time disappointing my family. And now I have a few things I need to hide from them. Back when I started fading, I would freak out thinking I hadn't covered my tracks or I slipped up and this dread would come over me when I imagined them finding out. But now, I am much more calm about it, because no matter what happens, I know I'll be ok. It will hurt, and I will be sorry to lose my family, but there's nothing more I can do for them, I've got to think about myself at some point.

    I'm so glad I faded long enough to build up some strength and confidence in myself. I'm still preparing for it, but if I get found out before I walk out, I won't have any regrets... I'll probably be very relieved. I felt like a weakling for fading at first, but I'm glad I gave myself permission to fade instead of walking out right away. I needed the time.

    It's a tough decision to make, but you need to do what's best for you. All of us are different and our situations are different. Think about what you need and about what's best for protecting your mental and physical health first before thinking about anybody else.

  • Dansk

    Midget-Sasquatch said:

    I really don't feel good about myself when lying to my family

    I fully understand why someone might feel the necessity for telling lies, but lies always have a habit of catching up with us. I never lied to my family and other JWs as to why I was leaving. I believe it will stand me in good stead in the future. No one will be able to say I left a liar and, hopefully, my girls will respect that.

    Why should we have to lie anyway? All we're doing is exposing an organisation for what it is - heinous! Why be afraid of telling the truth? We're all different, I know, but lying is completely anathema to me. Eventually people will have to realise that I told the truth about Watchtower. Once they realise that they are more likely to listen to me next time. I feel something of us is lost if we stoop to the level of Watchtower - which is based on nothing but lies!

    I'm sorry, but I can never accept someone advocating telling lies. I truly UNDERSTAND why someone might do it (basically out of fear) - but I can never accept it.


  • undercover

    I don't advocate lying to family members, but that doesn't mean you have to be completely truthful either. Just don't tell them certain things. I also have no qualms about lying to an organization that lies itself. Theocratic strategy and warfare, remember? They called it war, not me. Sometimes war consists of out in the open battles, sometimes it's a covert operation with spies. Those that DA or allow themselves to be DFd are in the battle troops, those that fade are in a covert operation.

    undercover of the covert operation class

  • willyloman
    For me, I already lived over half of my life for other people, the GB & WTS. I don't want to waste the last half of my life appeasing other people as well.

    I agree w you, Paul, and this has been discussed in several good posts already.

    Just to clarify: Fading can't be forever. There's a timeline attached to it, which differs with individual circumstances. In our case, we stopped going to meetings less than a year ago. We've had two visits from one elder (the second time he brought his wife), and we were friendly, gracious, and noncommital, blaming our absence on illness and a surgery or two. He seemed to be fishing for some sign that we were disgruntled, had been "stumbled," or were flirting with apostasy, but when we explained that we had been dealing with health issues and our inability to get out at night or sit for hours in a meeting was due to medications we were on he was actually relieved. "Oh, so you're alright, then?" was his reaction. Pretty funny, since I'd just suggested we were far from alright, health-wise.

    Of course, I was "spinning" our health condition. There was an illness and some surgery which came along at an "opportune time, but we're all better now.

    Meanwhile, over the months, we've opened up with our family members and taken steps to distance ourselves from JWs with whom we were entangled commercially. Slowly we've moved out of the JW orbit. No one calls or comes by. Virtually all of my family is now "out" of the organization and we are in a place emotionally where we would simply be honest if we were confronted, and say that we don't miss the meetings and are much happier since we left the grind.

    That conversation will happen someday, I am certain, but we are not inviting anyone over to hear it. We have told all our fellow workers, relatives, and neighbors that we have divorced ourselves from the dubs. We are treating the elders, the Kingdom Hall, the witnesses, the whole process, as irrelevant to our lives. Like most people, we don't particularly relish confrontation, but if and when one occurs we are determined to handle it with grace.

  • Pole

    As others have already pointed out, fading is all about making a smooth a transition from one state to another. Which means it doesn't last forever.

    I guess at some point most people simply get tired with fading and they don't care that much anymore. Even if your family is involved - there are situations when you have poor relationships with your family members for completely different reasons and you have to live a happy life anyway.

    I consider myself a successful fader. It worked for me. Largely thanks to the gradual character of my escape from the Watchtower, my wife joined me on my way out and my mother fully understands my reasons.

    Good luck!


  • vitty

    I was so upset and depressed when I first posted, but with all your answers you cant believe how positive I feel today thanks so much.

    I have never recieved so much support in my life, from people I dont even know.

    When you realize after 20 years of friendship with people that it all ends when you just want out, its devastating.

    Dansk, my husband sounds like you, he doesnt want to be underhand as he calls it, but ive persuaded him to fade slowly.......and hes agreed.

    This is the last thing i think of when I go to bed and the first thing that comes into my mind in the morning, plus the dreams!!!

    Im sure as time goes on, it will get easier. Its only been a few months since I found out the truth and thats taken a lot of comming to terms with. I feel Im in a unreal world sometimes.

    Ive invited some people round on Saturday for a meal non witnesses, I do feel nervous but excited as well. I dont know them well, met them at night school but there comming with there husbands so I hope its a nice evening

    God what will we talk about? You know what its like in the truth, you always end up talking about the truth.

    Ive just read through my post, I sound like a kid! not a woman in her,,,,,,,,,well lets leave it there!

    THANKS again everyone!

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