Australian Convention Dates

by Stephanus 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jang

    OK AK ...... send a few up our way

    CAIC Website:
    Personal Webpage:

  • TheApostleAK

    Your all on! How many do you want?

    I think you could bring yr camera in easily.

  • Stephanus

    Just one for me, thanks AK. I'll email you about it. I just thought of something: if I wear my usual crap, they'll know I'm not one of them, lapel card or not! LOL

  • unclebruce

    G'day Stirrers,

    If someone can scan a lapel card and put a link here it would be great - They'd be dead easy to forge. Most newsagents have the plastic 'lapel card holders' (since they are used at many buisness conventions .. though the latest trend is to laminated ID cards)

    Stephanus - come on down! ;) .. springtime? Suit and tie only please. Seriously - if you wanna go to the superbowl and it's armageddon cafe let me know .. we might be able to scare up a vampire .. I even have a songbook curtesy of my last visit (still haven't heard from Horst of Lightning Ridge) No Woolongong doesn't warrant a convention of it's own .. even though it has more Kingdom Halls/mile of coast than anywhere else in australia :(

  • ozziepost

    G'day unc,

    see you're back in town then. Using the missus' computer, I suppose?

    I thought you said you couldn't make the armageddon cafe this year. Change of plans? Do tell. Is a mini convention planned?


    Ozzie (of the aussie stirrring class)

  • unclebruce

    G'day ozzie,

    You're spot on .. back in the big smoke for a few days picking up the last remnants of my junk (a bloke can only fit so much on a ute and trailer.) The misses still loves me and the girls are happy .. Amy just turned 20 .. we've devoured the cake, so it's back to the rock pile soon ;) Moving camp was a job and a half but higher up the hill the view is even better .. I swear the surf was up around 4meters last week, between it and the owls hows a bloke suposed to sleep? .. ah well, sure beats screaching cars and passing trains.

    I probably said "I never wanna go to another convention again in my life" that as a given, if any of you guys want a partner in crime for a bit of stirring I'll be in like Flynn. (and Stephanus sounds like a stirrer if ever there was one ;) Lot of effort and dressing up for a cappicino but what the heck .. we might do the 'apostate car park trick' or better yet the 'sneek around the superbowl and place some anti-cult tracts on bumless seats' trick ;)

    cheers mate, best regards and platonic hugs to you and mrs ozzie .. I still owe ya a meal .. an armagedon snack?

    PS: I'm supposed to be reseaching diabetes but some how the computer linked to here???

  • Stephanus

    Hey, Unc! Long time no see! Fancy you popping in; I was planning on calling you some time soon. Yes, you're right, I like stirring the possum a bit. If a group was interested in infiltrating this convention, it could get quite amusing. Forged lapel cards and old polyester suits aren't my usual attire, but "When in Rome...". My digital camera has .avi capabilities, so we could get a segment of that earth shattering drama for the web, if we can get through the jackbooted security. I wonder if anyone in charge will be reading this; they might suddenly change the design of the lapel cards to prevent the forgeries! LOL

  • Prisca

    Cameras have always been allowed at conventions, as the publishers have some fascination with taking pics of the drama. I am sure you could bring in your web cam. They usually make an announcement to say you can use flashes with the cameras, and to not block anyone's view.

    I'd love to join you guys, but I am sure I would be recognised by people. Comes from having been a member of too many congregations!

  • safe4kids

    Hi Stephanus, Unc...g'day!!

    I would love to join in the fun, as well, and as I've never been to Australia, I don't think I would be recognized .

    I thought I would never go to another convention; I thought that never again would I want to...but do you know, reading this thread, I suddenly have this great urge to sneak into one with my fellow apostate compatriots. I'm sure I could camouflage myself well enough not to be detected-I think I may still have some old service shoes with scuffed heels (proof of one's long hours in field service, yaknow) but the dress may be a problem...don't have any that reach below the knees. Come to think of it, don't have any that even touch the knees!! BUT! I do know how to submissively listen, clap when expected, and sing off key. I also am quite good at packing a picnic lunch that is unappetizing and generally soggy by intermission...are these qualifications enough to allow me to join you both or is more required?? Please let me know soon as I am trying to arrange my airfare to Oz...

    Respectfully submitted,

    "A single event can awaken within us a stranger totally unknown to us. To live is to be slowly born."
    Antoine de Saint-Exupery

  • unclebruce

    G'day evil apostates,

    Prisca is right Stephanus, security is non-existant and cameras are welcome. It's much easier now that peopole don't mingle as much as they used to - all you have to do is walk the walk and talk the talk (the first bit is much fucking easier than the second .. oops .. yeah .. see what I mean? ;)

    We could beam back pictures of apostates in the stadium .. very funny .. I'll print some scarey tracts to spread about.

    Safe4kids - you're in the club! .. come on down .. Australia has a lot more to offer than zombie stirring You don't need to pack lunch Dana, there's a cafe below the super bowl where beer and cappicino flow like water. I've dubbed it 'The Armageddon Cafe' .. last decent refreshments before entering the narrow path leading to eternal boredom .. (I sure got funny looks ordering a beer ;)

    My sweat Prisca - We could disguise ya as a nun .. how about it sister of perpetual eros? ;) I gotta hear your story one day.

    cheers unclebruce

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