I'm with UB, S4K; if you're seriously thinking about coming over, we could definitely organise an official apostate infiltration of the "borelight zone" for your pleasure. As for Prisca, surely a blonde wig and dark glasses would be sufficient cover. (I'd suggest a Groucho Marx disguise, but you'd just end up looking like me! LOL) I like the beer drinking idea, UB: "flaunting our Christian freedom" so to speak! As long as we all get through the gate with no suspicion, are people likely to notice once we're in? You know, when we all laugh or groan out loud at something said in all "earnestness" from the stage?
Australian Convention Dates
by Stephanus 24 Replies latest jw friends
Don't let this thread die just yet! This infiltration conspiracy should be a great stir!
Who you calling a nun? Has someone been telling you about my love life (or lack thereof)? Though the "Perpetual Eros" thing has an interesting sound to it......
The Superdome is quite large - if there was a small group of you, you could easily walk around without being too obvious. Just don't forget your blue polyester suit Stephanus!
This sounds like fun. I could dust off my meeting bag. You know those elder-style black bags? It really would need dusting 'cos in the disguise it's gotta look well used.
I never imagined I'd wanna go, but the thought of that cappucino at the Aramageddon Cafe...well, that sounds good. Oh, and supping with you guys too, of course! Did they serve a good cab sav there? It'd be real considerate to offer a drink during the sessions to those earnest attendants who are doing a Claytons moving us out of there.
Sorry that Mrs Ozzie is unlikely to have the emotional strength to face it again this year. Some of you know what certain bastard Bethel elders did to her.
Sounds like a fun day out though. One thing, unc, what's this about disguising Prisca as a blonde? How would that be a disguise?
Prisca, if you feel you wanna go, just go. Chances are you can remain anonymous.
The things we do to enjoy the repeat drama that's on this year.
Ozzie"So often, the unpolished
the disjointed
Is on its way to the truth
Ahead of the finished
the polished."
Ken Walsh, Sometimes I Weep -
Wooohooooo!!! This is sounding better and better!! Who'd a thunk going to a convention would get this gal excited?? LOLOL
Unc, the Armageddon Cafe sounds like a wonderfully fun place and I would love to see the shocked looks on the faces of the brudders and sistahs when we line up our liquid lunches!! Could we tell 'em Satan made us do it?? Ohhh how wonderfully naughty it all sounds and I confess to enjoying the hell out of being naughty these days!!
Stephanus, regretfully, I can't really come to Oz right now although I would dearly love to...what a blast it would be!!
Ozziepost...kick the bag around the house a bit and it should look well used ...sorry to hear that your missus has been hurt by 'certain bastard Bethel elders'...I can relate to that kind of pain. Give Mrs. Ozzie a hug from me.
Luv yas,
Dana"A single event can awaken within us a stranger totally unknown to us. To live is to be slowly born."
Antoine de Saint-Exupery