I just got dfed last night. i want to thank you all in advance for helping me through this. i wanted to fade but my wife insisted that i wasn't gonna dfed. oh well i told the elders after i was dfed "thank you because i don't have to fake this anymore".
well folks im out
by koolkeithfl 27 Replies latest jw friends
Take a breath of fresh air. How were the elders during your meeting?
Congrats! Another man has been freed - Crooklyn, open those cell doors and let all your slaves go free.
two were cool one was a you know what. two of the elders i knew from a baby the ding a ling i didn't know.
Welcome to the first free day of the rest of your new life, KoolKeith!!! I was DF'd almost 6 years ago (I think, since I don't remember the date) and I've never regretted the decision I made to leave.
Well done! The way things are going there'll be no one left to DF or DA or mark! You know what you're in for - shunning! Don't let it get to you. I'm a sensitive person, but that stuff doesn't affect me at all!
I've made so may TRUE friends since being marked (hence, shunned) that I wouldn't sacrifice the little finger nail of one of these friends just to get a JW to talk to me. It's their loss. I see their miserable faces when they're out in the field misery occasionally - and they still look the same if I spot one of them out shopping. I say to myself "Goodness, did I look like that?!"
My sister-in-law said that when Claire (my wife) and I were JWs we always looked pale. Since coming out, she said we look so colourful and happy. It's TRUE!
You're free now. Don't ever go back. Don't ever feel you owe them anything. Now is the time to LIVE!
Best wishes,
they told me i wasn't gonna see my father in the new system. they said he'll be looking for me and i won't be there. arrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
they told me i wasn't gonna see my father in the new system. they said he'll be looking for me and i won't be there. arrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
That's sheer emotional blackmail - a truly horrible thing to say! They're in for a real shock when they die! No new system and no Jehovah's Witnesses taking control of the earth (ain't that a relief!). Ian
i told them that i accept death for what it is....no magic powers to bring me back or my father. so i hope they understood that i wasn't gonna be blackmailed with that bs. don't get me wrong i know they were trying to help, but i feel like they think im a four year old who doesn't see tricks. they were asking me "do you think its to hard to be a witness" and i "yes" and i didn't hold back. it felt great, like taking a big dump after you haven't for 27 years.
fleaman uk
they told me i wasn't gonna see my father in the new system. they said he'll be looking for me and i won't be there. arrrrrrrrrrrrrr! I sometimes lean towards the defence of Jw,s,but this instance reminds me of the crap involved.What a complete dickhead to say something like that.You did well not to punch his lights out.