So Who's An Evil Slave Then?

by Englishman 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman

    In my teenage years, my Father elected to serve “where the need is great”. The end result was that we upped roots and moved to Yeovil in deepest, darkest Somerset, cider-drinkin’ country where most of the locals were yokels.

    The tiny congregation, about 30 or so, met in a hired 2 storey hall on the edge of town, a building that had been used by the JW’ s for many, many years. The 2 storey building shared toilet facilities on the ground floor.

    The first day that we attended a meeting in Yeovil was strange to say the least! We were warned never to speak to the people who used the upstairs facilities, particularly if stood next to someone from that location whilst using the urinals. It was then explained to us that the people who held the upstairs meetings at the same time as we held ours, were members of the dreadful “Evil slave class”. Furthermore, many of the older JW’s could remember a time when these “evil slaves” had been a part of the main congregation and had also enjoyed a close friendship with persons that they now stoically ignored.

    Looking back now, I realise that I accepted all of these strange goings-on without question. Now I’m wondering what this was really all about. There is a gap in my knowledge about exactly whom or what the “evil slave” was purported to be.

    Please can someone enlighten me as to who is the unfaithful and evil slave?


    ..... fanaticism masquerading beneath a cloak of reasoned logic.

  • TheApostleAK

    Possibly the Evil Slave would be the Bible Students. Their the ones who didn't join Rutherford when Russell died.

    PS I'm a Bible Student (I don't believe the pyramid thing btw).

  • joelbear

    I believe Apostle is correct. I was always taught that the evil slave was the group who continued to follow Russell's teachings and broke away from the official organization.

    They used to have TV shows under the name Millennial Dawn. They believed basically the same as witnesses with some prophetic differences. I remember watching a program where they were saying all the Jews in their neighborhood were moving back to Israel and that was a sign the end was near because all Jews had to return to Israel before the end came.

    I had an uncle who joined the evil slave and I went with my mother to visit him so she could try to convince him to come back. That was one freaky trip for me because I was sure the demons were going to grab me any minute.

    Those were my only two brushes with the evil slave class.



  • Sunbeam

    Hiya Englishman

    According to my husband's ma, I'm an evil slave because I'm a church-going Christian (horrors!). Therefore I'm a follower of the clergy (and we know what liars they are) and a part of Babylon the Great.

    She set out to explain to me that there are 2 classes (even tho' the word class doesn't appear in the scriptures cited) - the FDS and the Evil Slave cl... She stopped when she realised that I was one of THEM. It was a bit like the time when I bought her some tasty cakes. She said that when she ate them she thought she'd died and gone to hea.., hea.., hea...

    If the rest of the class are anything like me, they are chocaholics who keep too many pet rabbits. Not very evil I'm afraid.

    My husband's very envious, 'cos he's only a filthy apostate and evil slave sounds so much cooler.


    PS Then again, local people from Yeovil - scary stuff !!

  • ozziepost

    My own memories are of evil slave class people picketing assemblies. As kids we were under parental instruction to walk quickly past them. Some JWs engaged them in conversation, though.

    My own memory, faulty tho' it is, is that the 'evil slave' class were the ones who broke away, you know, the disloyal ones in the early days, presumably of Rutherford.

    Now, with the benefit of hindsight, I can see that they must have been the loyal ones when Joe Ratherflawed launched his coup and took control of the Watch Tower Society.

    Isn't it funny (peculiar) how the ones who are not in favour are besmirched with bad names? Remember how we were told that the ones who left Brooklyn Bethel in 1980 didn't like the field service?


    "So often, the unpolished
    the disjointed
    Is on its way to the truth
    Ahead of the finished
    the polished."

    Ken Walsh, Sometimes I Weep

  • logical

    Im evil. But im not a slave, so it cant be me.

  • Amazing

    Hi Englishman: The above comments are somewhat correct, but do not present the 'official' WTS views. The Society says that their modern day 'Anointed' class compositely make-up the 'Faithful & Discreet Slave' Class. Likewise, any 'Anointed' who leave the Society and work against its interests make up the composite, Evil Slave.'

    When the Watch Tower religion had its first real schism in the 1918 through about 1929 where a total of about 50% dropped off, those who left were referred to as the 'Evil Slave.' This term was universaly applied to any groups that formed from those who left the Society.

    As the years passed, moving up to 1931 and then 1935, the term Great Crowd (Great Company) was used to describe their new thinking on those who would live forever on earth. The term 'Evil Slave' was still in use, as it is today, but was refined to apply 'only' to those Anointed who left the organization.

    Their children, if raised outside the organization and never baptized are not 'Evil Slave'. Because I was one of the 'Anointed' when I left the religion, I am now considered one of the 'Evil Slave' because I actively work openly against the interests of the Watch Tower religion. I also enjoy the broader title of 'Apostate.'

    And in my specific case, for reasons not really known to me, I was given the extra dignified title by a District Overseer, that is, I was named the Chief Apostate of the pacific Northwest. There are others who are far more worthy of that designation. But, I believe that the Society's men make these statements in the glow of the moment. I am sure the title has faded in the last 5 years.

    The Great Crowd of 'Other Sheep' who leave and become active in thier open defiance of the Watch Tower religion are NOT of the Evil Slave Class, even though that may be in the company of the Evil Slave and share with them in their works. The Great Crowd who leave the WTS are still known as 'Apostates.' Because the overwhelming numbers leaving the WTS today are of this Great Crowd, the term 'Apostate' has taken on a life of its own, and in many ways has virtually supplanted the term Evil Slave.

    To this day the WTS still uses the term 'Evil Slave' and it is a designation stipulated for those of the 'Anointed' who leave the WTS and actively work against its interests. Therefore, when you read my writings, you are reading the works of one of the dreaded 'Evil Slave.' - Amazing

  • Englishman

    Well, thank you all very much!

    Amazing, no way am I ever going to take a pee whilst stood next to you!


    ..... fanaticism masquerading beneath a cloak of reasoned logic.

  • ozziepost

    Amazing: Thanks for telling us that! Are you related to Evel Knievel?

    He was simply amazing too!


    "So often, the unpolished
    the disjointed
    Is on its way to the truth
    Ahead of the finished
    the polished."

    Ken Walsh, Sometimes I Weep

  • VeniceIT

    OK PEOPLE there is NOOOO such thing as an 'Evil Slave Class', or a 'faithful and discreet slave class' either for that matter.

    IT'S JUST AN ILLUSTRATION!!! as the cross reference in Luke 21 says. "Lord is this Illustration for us or for all people'.

    I can't belive all the Hullabaloo over an illustration, and that there's an entire cult/relgion based on an illustration and that we all bought it SHEESH!!!


    "I'm not a Troll I'm NOT!!!'

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