So Who's An Evil Slave Then?

by Englishman 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Englishman


    Nice hair, who did it, Black & Decker?


    ..... fanaticism masquerading beneath a cloak of reasoned logic.

  • Sunbeam

    Amazing, you've rained on my parade. I was really starting to perfect my evil slave laugh. MWA-HA-HA! So if I'm not an evil slave, what am I (in WT language)?

    Englishman - don't you know that the punk look's in. Get with it, dude. You just need to check out your local Top Man to see it's true


  • You Know
    You Know

    The evil slave are those who were at one time were anointed by God's spirit but who thereafter apostatize from the truth. The original congregation in the 1st century certainly had an antichrist element comprised of those of whom John said, "went out from us, but they were not of our sort, for if they had been of our sort, they would have remained with us. But they went out that it might be shown up that not all are of our sort." Jonh went on to say: " And you have an anointing from the holy one; all of you have knowledge." Those who abandoned the congregation back then formed the beginnings of Christendom, which essentially is apostasy institutionalized. As Jesus said: "Many are called but few are chosen." The evil and sluggish slaves are those who were at one time called as anointed ones, but in one way or the other they failed to be finally chosen, so the Devil uses them to set up counterfeit organizations that are really anti-Christ in nature.

    At the time of the re-organization of Christianity, back during Russell's day, it is reasonable to also expect to see a re-emergence of those who similiarly "went out from among us." About half of the anointed back then apostatized and refused to advance with the organization. Their faith more or less died with Russell. Ray Franz is the most recent example of an evil slave who went out from among us. The vast majority of apostate JW's today are in essence followers of Ray Franz, in that his writings are the foundation of the entire apostate movemnt predicated on the well-vocalized premise that "My Master is delaying."

    Going forward, we may anticipate a final decisive outbreak of apostasy among those who are really not of our sort. Paul in fact said that the true sons would not be gathered to Christ "unless the apostasy comes first and the man of lawlessness gets revealed, the son of destruction." While we presently recognize that the clergy comprise a composite "man of lawlessness" class, Paul's prophecy indicates that apostasy will continue to ferment and develop from within the ranks of the anointed all the way up until the time that Christ arrives; at which time all apostates are purged from Christ's church by the angels who gather up all the lawless ones like bundles of weeds to be burned. The fact that the man of lawlessness "sits down in the temple of The God," which temple is the anointed themselves, and the fact that Jesus has not exposed the son of destruction yet, reveals that there is more work for the apostate to do within Jehovah's organization before he meets up with his destruction. Interestingly, Jesus dubbed Judas "the son of destruction." That's also what Paul called the man of lawlessness, making a definite connection with the man that personally betrayed Christ. So, in the future then, apostates will no doubt be instrumental in betraying Christ's brothers during the oncoming tribulation. Just as Jesus' apostles were not aware that Judas was a two-faced fraud, no doubt that will be the final act that exposes those who are apostates---making up a modern-day Judas class as I have dubbed them. The stage seems to be pretty much set for the final act to commence. The Tribulation is certain to be a time of such hysteria, great confusion, darkness, and massive deception on the part of false Christ's, that only the true sons of the kingdom will be able to follow the beacon leading them safely home. / You Know

  • AGuest

    Dearest Englishman... may you have peace!

    By the spirit of my Father that is in me, holy spirit, by means of Christ, I have been granted to answer your question, if you will permit me. Thank you.

    The passage first talks about a 'faithful and discreet slave'... and I will explain that part first:

    ALL of those who have received holy spirit by means of my Lord have agreed to become 'slaves' of my Lord, ambassadors 'substituting' for him, preaching 'a release to the captives', which is done by giving their 'food at the proper time'. This means OBEYING the 'voice' of my Lord and telling such ones who 'belong' to him what HE tells us to say, WHEN he tells us to say. It is the one... or ones... of us DOING that when he returns that will be 'appointed over ALL of his belongings'. He feeds US... we feed them. (Do you have affection for me? Feed my sheep).

    Some of us are given MORE to do than others; in others words, some are given 5 talents, some 2, some 1. The one that was given the LEAST amount, however, failed to do ANY work, and was cast out.

    Where the evil slave comes in is it is those of us who... after having waited for the Master to arrive and 'settle accounts'... grow TIRED of waiting, say that he is DELAYING because he did not 'arrive' when THEY expected him (when he in fact is not 'delaying', for NO ONE knows the 'hour', not even the Son, who would have 'told us', so, therefore, WE could NEVER have known it)...

    and due to this perceived 'delay' and resultant fatigue... start 'beating' our FELLOW slaves, our brothers and sisters in Christ. This occurs when such 'tired' ones STOP listening to the others, in fact, stop even INVITING and RECEIVING such ones into the kingdom, stop FEEDING them with reference to the blood and flesh of my Lord, and instead start PERSECUTING and OPPRESSING them.

    This 'evil slave' are those members of the WTBTS who profess to be 'anointed', but have followed NOT the Lamb, but the 'wild beast', and as a result of began denying access to their brothers, and persecuting us, based on our age, color, sex, nationality... etc. They are the ones who let us be 'snatches and scattered' by the 'wolf'... the 'wild beast'... at the hand of the 'hired man'... who, rather than stand up FOR us... actually 'deliver us up' to such ones. Rather than being happy that the 'door' has NOT been shut, that the way into the Ark is still open and the invitation to "Come!" is STILL be offered by the Spirit AND the Bride, they have let that beast convince them that the Door (John 1:1-8) has indeed been shut... by God... and no others are allowed in.

    By doing this, they have, in essence, contributed to the shutting up of the kingdom of the heavens by those NOT going in, those who profess an 'earthly' hope, have joined ranked with such ones to keep others OUT... and thus, 'beat' their 'fellow slaves'. They KNOW it is wrong... but because the Master is, in their minds 'delaying', they have 'given over' my Father's 'army' to those who would wipe it out altogether.

    These ones 'eat and drink with the confirmed drunkards', those so-called priests, the GB, who, like the wicked priests before them, have 'gone astray because of INTOXICATING LIQUOR'. They're all pretty much drunks and alcoholics, which is why alcoholism is SO prevalent in the 'Organization. Many will deny it, but it is the truth.

    And as a result of such conduct, these, the 'evil slave', will be punished with the GREATEST severity, that is, being CAST OUT by means of having THEIR portion... assigned with the hypocrites. And hypocrites will have NO place... in the kingdom of my Lord.

    That is why we were WARNED, 'beware the LEAVEN of the Pharisees... which IS... hypocrisy'.

    I, myself, SJ, have spoken it to you... just as I have heard and received it from my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, the Son of the Most Holy One of Israel, JAH OF ARMIES. My caution to you, then, and to ALL who 'hear' what the spirit and the bride say to the congregation:

    "GET OUT OF HER, my people, IF you do not wish to share in her sins (the blood of the prophets and the holy ones)... and IF you do not wish to receive part of her plagues. Instead, if you are desirous an so 'wish' it, do NOT continue letting yourselves be prohibited from entering into the kingdom of the heavens but, "COME! Take 'life's water'... free!"

    A slave of Christ,


  • Englishman

    You Know & A Guest,

    Thank you for replying, you both seem to be thinking roughly along the same lines, except with regard as to the actual identity of this "evil slave".

    You Know opines that it refers most recently to departed anointed one's, A Guest is of the opinion that it is the GB that have gone astray.

    With regard to my own experience, my encounter with "evil slave" members occured in 1962, so maybe it was possible that these were actual Russelites in the flesh, albeit UK members.


    ..... fanaticism masquerading beneath a cloak of reasoned logic.

  • AGuest
    A Guest is of the opinion that it is the GB that have gone astray.

    Uh, AGuest is of no 'opinion'... I simply told you what I heard. In addition, I did not identify the GB as that 'evil slave', but said:

    This 'evil slave' are those members of the WTBTS who profess to be 'anointed', but have followed NOT the Lamb...

    She is Babylon the Great... the HARLOT who rides on the BACK of the wild beast and in whose 'cup' is found 'the blood of the holy ones...

    To further clarify:

    The GB... is the 'hired man'... the PARAMOUR of the harlot... who she commits FORNICATION with and thus gives herself over to...) who 'abandons the sheep to the wolf' (the wild beast - the CORPORATE entity of the WTBTS), because the sheep do NOT 'belong' to them. That 'hired man'... the GB... consists of the 'kings of the earth who have authority ONE hour'... because such authority is given them NOT by God, but by the 'dragon'... whose vocation it IS to 'wage war' with my brothers and I, the 'remaining ones' of the 'seed of the woman'... and ultimately gives such authority over TO the wild beast.

    That 'beast', the Corporate entity... will continue in its mission... to 'wage' on behalf of the dragon... 'war' against the holy ones... will snatch and scatter them... because their leader, the dragon, is the one who gave them such authority and put it in their minds to do so.

    Peace to you.

    A slave of Christ,


  • Larsguy

    If you follow the Biblical references for the "evil slave", you'll see that he is also the "false prophet" and thus the Lamb-Dragon beast of Revelation, the "sluggish slave" and the "rich man" in various places. All these point to an anointed body who rise up in the temple of the God (i.e. Jehovah's organization, JWs) and makes itself a god and an object of worship, and thus could be none other than the Governing Body of JWs.

    Note that if you speak anything against the GB or suggest that you have more spiritual insight than they do or question them, then the organization will oppose you and eliminate you. Most witnesses immediately close their mind to any questions regarding what the GB says, believing them to be "god's channel" and thus not to be questioned unless they say so. Further many who know some things are in error will tolerate that error believing "Jehovah will correct it in his own time THROUGH his organization..." thus they care more about being in the organization than having truth. They pay more attention to the Watchtower than the Bible and thus they have begun to worship the Governing Body as their only hope for salvation.

    Thus the "evil slave" prophesied in scripture, is the leadership who takes over and dominates the temple organization during the last days which is the GB of JW.


  • r51785

    Dear Brother You Know,

    Since you are "of the annointed" and have been seen here from time to time to disagree with the pronouncements of the Watchtower, does that you make you an "evil slave" too?

  • DannyBear


    ***I can't belive all the Hullabaloo over an illustration, and that there's an entire cult/relgion based on an illustration and that we all bought it SHEESH!!!***

    Ain't it the truth though!

    Almost like discussing who is stronger the Jedi or Dark Side, niether one really exsists, except in the mind of a very talented film maker.(CTR one of the worlds first film maker's).


  • AGuest

    Dear Lar...

    For the GB to be the 'evil slave', it would have to have been a part of the faithful slave at one time. In truth, the GB have their fulfillment in Revelation in that they are 'the kings of the earth that have a kingdom ONE hour'. The 'false prophet', however, IS the beast... 'that comes out of the EARTH' and 'has two horn like a lamb, but speaks as a dragon'. That false prophet, the beast with two horns LIKE a lamb, but SPEAKS as a dragon... is the PUBLISHING conglomeration of the WTBTS with its two horns, it's STRENGTH... the Watchtower and Awake magazines... the 'false prophet'. It is through these 'horns', these magazines, that such 'beast' is LIKE a lamb... but speaks... as a dragon... spits out false prophecy... expressions inspired of demons.

    The 'evil slave', however, is the 'Society'. Such 'Society' is supposedly the entire 'body' of anointed ones, which is 'the visible representatives of the Lord on earth'... and it is against 'the Society' that such ones cannot speak. And it is the 'Society' that permits those who are FAITHFUL slaves, those who follow the Lamb wherever HE goes, who listen to HIS voice and NOT the voice of strangers... to be 'beaten' by their 'hired man', the GB and its 'beast'.

    The 'Society' then, and all those who belong to it by reason of their profession of an anointing, is the HARLOT... Babylon the Great... who commits FORNICATION... with the 'kings of the earth'... the GB... who give their 'authority' to the 'wild beast'... the CORPORATE conglomerate of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of the Religious Order of the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses and Kingdom Service... Incorporated.

    It is that corporation, that 'beast'... that 'wolf'... that snatches and scatters the 'sheep'... and that will at some point TURN on the Harlot, on the so-called anointed who are still in her 'skirts'... and 'devastate' her... eat up her 'fleshy parts'... her 'assets'... and completely burn her with fire.

    That is why my Father WARNS His people to... GET OUT OF HER!

    I, myself, SJ, have spoken this to you, just as I have heard it from my Lord, the Son of God, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH.

    A slave of Christ, who knows that interpretation... belongs to GOD...

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